3rd Psychology Assistant - Bachelor - Orientation Clinical

Relational approach techniques

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ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffMakedonsky, Kira
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 2

Course of Clinical Psychology

Aims and Objectives

Approaching individual intervention techniques in psychology.To allow comparisons between different schools of clinical psychology.

Appropriation of a preferred method on the basis of which the student can complete his knowledge and develop skills.



Brief history of intervention techniques and undercurrents.

Cybernetic model of communication and barriers to good communication.

Overview of the major schools (outside psychoanalysis and family therapy and systemic seen elsewhere): Active listening and empathy, transactional analysis, Gestalt therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, autogenous training, neuro-linguistic programming, etc ...

Critical synchronization attempt



Jean-Marie Lange : Une introduction à la psychologie relationnelle (L’Harmattan, 2005) et Une introduction à la psychopédagogie (Céfal, 2001) ;

Mony Elkaïm et al. : A quel psy se vouer ? (Couleur psy, Seuil, 2003) ;


Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

The course is taught orally at 2 hours / week during 1st and 2nd six-month period. It is essentially a lecture. Exercises are provided, however, during the course and student participation is often sought


Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
Continuous assessment

A oral examination in June is planned to verify both the memorization of concepts, critical analytical mind, and the ability to synthesize the discussed currents.



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