1st Specialization in Education and Rehabilitation of the Sensorially Handicapped

Clinical training, placements/ Seminars and cases discussions

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ECTS Credits25
Number of Hours (h/year)435
Teaching staffDETROZ, Carine
FASSOTTE, Laurence
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

To master the different techniques of examination, education and rehabilitation of auditive and/or visually impaired patients


Training courses:

Rehabilitation centres specialised in accepting sensory impaired persons.

Normal schools who accept sensory integrated impaired.

Guiding Centres who accept sensory impaired.

Clinics and hospitals which have an otorhinolaryngology service or ophthalmology service.

Acoustic centres ( prosthetic adaptations).

All kind of structures which accept auditive or visually impaired not included on the six preceding points.



-reflection about different situations of rehabilitation

-material for helping blind people and low vision people (books, games,...)


-experimentation of the blindness: to eat without your eyes


RAYNARD, F. Se mouvoir sans voir. Education et rééducation fonctionnelle des aveugles et des malvoyants. Yva Peyret Editeur, Corcelles-le-Yorat, 1991.

RONDAL, J.A. et COMBLAIN, A. (2001). Manuel de psychologie des handicaps. Sémiologie et principes de remédiations.Sprimont, Belgique: Mardaga

RONDAL, J.A. et ESPERET, E. (1999). Manuel de psychologie de l'enfant. Sprimont, Belgique: Mardaga

Teaching and Learning MethodsGroup seminars or workshops
Project or fieldwork

Practical applications on the field.

Assessment MethodsContinuous assessment

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