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1st Specialization in Education and Rehabilitation of the Sensorially Handicapped

 ECTS CreditsNumber of Hours (h/year)

Learning and training to Braille and introduction to visualization techniques

ECTS Credits3
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffFASSOTTE, Laurence
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

To know the evolution of relief reading

To be able to read in Braille and to translate all “ black and white” support with respect of the code, but also of the capacities or limits of each blind person, in regard of one’s tactile sensitivity.



  • History
  • Integral/shortened Braille
  • Code uniformity
  • Code in the daily life

Presentation of the finalised code by Louis Braille

Training itself

  • Letters
  • Punctuations

Material enabling the translation into Braille

· Punch, shelf, mechanical machine

Computer equipment and access to Internet


Liesen, B. (2008). Six points de lumière. Enquête autour de Louis Braille. Bruxelles: MeMograMes

Œuvre La Lumière. Méthode d’apprentissage du braille. Liège, 2000.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
NotesIn part

Visual Deficient’s education and rehabilitation

ECTS Credits4
Number of Hours (h/year)45
Teaching staffFASSOTTE, Laurence
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1


Aims and Objectives

To bring the students to understand the data given by the ophthalmologist. To be able to detect the misbehaviours in cases of low vision or blindness. To know the importance of an observation and of a practical medical result ( assessment ). To reflect upon the speech therapy results. To master the speech therapy intervention in the case of a multi field intervention as well as the simulation and the rehabilitation technics


The eye :

  • Anatomy
  • Physiology
  • Brainstorming
  • Definitions
  • The touched population

The steps to respect before the speech therapy rehabilitation

    The early guidance (help)

    • Definition
    • The role of the parents
    • The contain of the early guidance

    How to help children at school

    •  young children
    • school from 6 to 12 years old
    • school from 12 to 18 years old




    GRIFFON, P. (2000). La rééducation des malvoyants. Toulouse: Privat.

    HATWELL, Y. (2000). Toucher pour connaître. Psychologie cognitive de la perception tactile manuelle. P.U.F., Paris.

    HATWELL, Y. (2003). Psychologie cognitive de la cécité précoce. Paris: Dunod

    VITAL-DURAND, F. et BARBEAU, M. (1995). Mon enfant voit mal. Bruxelles: De Boeck.

    Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

    Illustrations (films, articles…)

    Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
    NotesIn part

    Psychology of the hard-of-hearing person

    ECTS Credits2
    Number of Hours (h/year)30
    Teaching staffMINC, Sonia
    Course UnitCompulsory
    TermQuad. 1 and 2

    Child psychology elements

    Aims and Objectives

    To know the personality aspects of the deaf child and of his family


    The deaf child

    The deaf child’s parents

    The deaf child of deaf parents

    The deaf child’s personality

    The deaf child having associated disorders

    The child having deaf parents


    Administrative aspects, specific teaching agents, films, bibliography, audiophonology companies and their work.


    LEPOT FROMENT, C. L’enfant sourd raconté par ses parents. Cabay, Louvain-la-Neuve, 1981.

    Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

    Discussions and exercises. Group work

    Assessment MethodsOral examinations

    Visual Deficient’s Psychology

    ECTS Credits2
    Number of Hours (h/year)30
    Teaching staffJOURDAN, Catherine
    Course UnitCompulsory
    TermQuad. 1 and 2


    Aims and Objectives

    The theoretical aspects of the injuries of the eye, the general principles of the management of visual impairments as well as the psychological and social components of this handicap.


    Biological bases ( eye and visual brain).

    The visual processes : analysis and methods of evaluation; visual systemic...

    The injuries of the eye ( epidemiology, etiology, prevention, remediations, prospects).

    The visual deficiency and the optical, cognitive, environmental corrections.

    Psychology of the visual handicap :

    • Congenital blindness, repercussions and compensations ( early guidance, school integration, braille and translation...);
    • Late blindness and its revalidation;
    • Pathologies of eye and older people;
    • Pathologies of eye and polyhandicaps.

    Specialized teaching and centres of low visions.

    The functional rehabilitation, the logopedic and speech therapy, the orientation and the mobility, independant living, hand skills...the multidisciplinarity of the trainings.

    The psychosocial aspects: society and sensitizing, social environment, to assist, to lend a hand of blind people, occupational activities, professional integration, new technologies and researches, adaptation and psychotherapy, personality and legal dispositions.


    GENICOT R. Les déficiences visuelles in Manuel de Psychologie des Handicaps, Sémiologie et Principes de Remédiation, Rondal J. et Comblain A . Edits, Mardaga, Sprimont 2001.

    Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
    Assessment MethodsOral examinations
    Continuous assessment
    NotesIn part

    Clinical training, placements/ Seminars and cases discussions

    ECTS Credits25
    Number of Hours (h/year)435
    Teaching staffDETROZ, Carine
    FASSOTTE, Laurence
    Course UnitCompulsory
    TermQuad. 1 and 2


    Aims and Objectives

    To master the different techniques of examination, education and rehabilitation of auditive and/or visually impaired patients


    Training courses:

    Rehabilitation centres specialised in accepting sensory impaired persons.

    Normal schools who accept sensory integrated impaired.

    Guiding Centres who accept sensory impaired.

    Clinics and hospitals which have an otorhinolaryngology service or ophthalmology service.

    Acoustic centres ( prosthetic adaptations).

    All kind of structures which accept auditive or visually impaired not included on the six preceding points.



    -reflection about different situations of rehabilitation

    -material for helping blind people and low vision people (books, games,...)


    -experimentation of the blindness: to eat without your eyes


    RAYNARD, F. Se mouvoir sans voir. Education et rééducation fonctionnelle des aveugles et des malvoyants. Yva Peyret Editeur, Corcelles-le-Yorat, 1991.

    RONDAL, J.A. et COMBLAIN, A. (2001). Manuel de psychologie des handicaps. Sémiologie et principes de remédiations.Sprimont, Belgique: Mardaga

    RONDAL, J.A. et ESPERET, E. (1999). Manuel de psychologie de l'enfant. Sprimont, Belgique: Mardaga

    Teaching and Learning MethodsGroup seminars or workshops
    Project or fieldwork

    Practical applications on the field.

    Assessment MethodsContinuous assessment

    Becoming acquainted and training to specialised techniques in the field of precocious deaf children

    ECTS Credits4
    Number of Hours (h/year)30
    Teaching staffDETROZ, Carine
    Course UnitCompulsory
    TermQuad. 1 and 2


    Aims and Objectives

    Master precocious deaf child’s education about all aspects


    Theory : the development of the child from birth until 6 years.

    • Introduction, principles, the newborn child’s abilities, the newborn child’s states, the child’s rhythms.
    • Synthesis of the psychomotor development
    • Repercussion of deafness on the psychomotor development
    • Synthesis of the development of the oral language
    • Repercussion of deafness on the linguistic development

    Practice : precocious education

    • Definition, usefulness, mode
    • Chronology of reimbursement
    • Contributions and their roles: first interview, evaluation, equipment, audiophonological rehabilitation,, psychomotor rehabilitation.

    Educational progess : linguistic forerunners, progress of the hearing, of the visual attention to labial reading, tactile vibratory perceptions, taking part of the body: body rhythm, musical rhythm, oral motor function.


    " G.I.R.A.F.E. " BERGERAN A , HENRY F . "Guide PORTAGE d'intervention précoce" BLUMA S, SHEARER m,FROHMAN a ,HILLIARD j 1976 ; "L'explorateur nu " EPSTEIN j 1995; "Des vertes et des pas mûres" EPSTEIN 1998; "La méthode verbo tonale " GUBERINA p 1992; " Le développement de la naissance à 7 ans " LACOMBE j 1996; " Porter le bébé vers son autonomie " PINELLI a 2006; "Signes langagiers précoces ..." VINTER sh Glossa 93(12-21) 2005

    Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
    Assessment MethodsOral examinations

    Taking of speech therapy and defective visions

    ECTS Credits1
    Number of Hours (h/year)15
    Teaching staffLEMAITRE, Valérie
    Course UnitCompulsory
    TermQuad. 1 and 2
    Aims and Objectives

    - COHEN, S.Y.; DELHOSTE, B.; BEAUNOIR M-P.; CAN, F.; MARTIN, D., PESSANA, J. Guide pratique de rééducation des basses visions: réhabilitation visuelle des personnes adultes malvoyantes atteintes de DMLA et autres pathologies maculaires. Elsevier, Paris, 2000.

    - KOVARSKI, C.; CHAMBERT, C.; CHAZAL, Ph. ; CHRISTIAEN, M.-P. La malvoyance chez l'adulte: la comprendre, la vivre mieux, Vuibert, 2007.

    - LANG, G.K. Atlas de poche d'ophtalmologie. Maloine, Paris, 2002.

    Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
    Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

    Group seminars and cases discussions: polyhandicap

    ECTS Credits2
    Number of Hours (h/year)15
    Teaching staffBEAUFORT, Patrick
    Course UnitCompulsory
    TermQuad. 1 and 2

    Disable children’s basic knowledge

    Aims and Objectives

    Elaboration of intervention for children with cerebral palsy


    First part: to place the severely multiple-handicapped child

    • According to definitions
      • Definition of handicap: analysis and critique
      • Associated problems ( including the Anglo-Saxon view)
    • According to deficiencies ( including etiology)
    • According to lifestyle
    • According to school
    • According to learning
    • According to an evaluation
    • According to visual capabilities
    • According to auditory capabilities
    • According to manual capabilities

    Second part: acting with the severely multiple-handicapped child

    • Evaluate his rhythm of life
    • Evaluate the causes of self-mutilation
    • Stimulate visual capabilities in following and regard
    • Stimulate vision and touch
    • Third part: the Snoezelen environment; basic-stimulation; building evaluation tools

    BECKERS J., Didactique générale et gestion des apprentissages en contexte scolaire, Ed. Point de Vue, Liège, 2000.

    DUCHENE J., MERCIER M., DELVILLE J., DELFOSSE M-L., MATTYS M., WITDOUCK O., Ethique et handicap mental, Presses Universitaires de Namur, Namur, 1997.

    GUIDETTI M., TOURRETTE M., Handicaps et développement psychologique de l’enfant, Armand Collin, Paris, 1999.

    LAMBERT J.L., Enseignement spécial et handicap mental, Mardaga, Sprimont, 1997.

    RIVIERE J., La prise en charge psychomotrice du nourrisson et du jeune enfant, Solal, Marseille, 1999.

    RONDAL J.A., COMBLAIN A., Manuel de psychologie et principes de remédiation, Mardaga, Sprimont, 2001.

    Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

    Exchanges, commentary reading.

    Assessment MethodsOral examinations

    Exchange about a writting work


    Education and rehabilitation the hard-of-hearing person

    ECTS Credits4
    Number of Hours (h/year)45
    Teaching staffHEINEN, Jocelyne
    Course UnitCompulsory
    TermQuad. 1 and 2


    Aims and Objectives

    To make the assessment and to deal with deaf patient.


    Assessment of the level of communication of hard-of-hearing person

    · At the general level

    · Concerning the oral and written language

    The audiophonology treatment

    · Body and musical rhythm elements inspired by the verbo-tonal method

    · Techniques of correction of the voice and the articulation

    · Training of the lip reading and residual auditory skills

    Teaching aspects

    · Problems in mastering the written language

    Specific examples of persons who just became deaf

    · Training to lip reading

    Auditory training after equipment or cochlear implantation


    LAFON. Les enfants déficients auditifs. 1987.

    LEPOT-FROMENT, CLERBAUT. L'enfant sourd. Ed. De Boeck, 1996.

    PERIER. L'enfant à audition déficiente. 1987.

    Batterie de tests recommandée par l'INAMI.

    Notes inspirées de colloques, articles émanant d'associations telles que BIAP, ACFOSS, AIRDAME, GEORIC,…

    Travaux d' ALEGRIA, LEYBAERT, CHARLIER et HAGE sur les codes phonologiques et la lecture.

    Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
    Assessment MethodsOral examinations

    Audiometric investigation and prosthetic adaptation

    ECTS Credits2
    Number of Hours (h/year)45
    Teaching staffBERNARD, Catherine
    PACOLET, Véronique
    Course UnitCompulsory
    TermQuad. 1 and 2


    Aims and Objectives

    To know the audiometric and prosthetic treatment of the hard-of-hearing person

    To control the complementarity of the objective audiometry and the subjective or behavioural audiometry

    To control the various systems for adults and young children (behind-the-ear aid, intra-auricular, cochlear implants,...) and the various systems for hard-of-hearing persons (FM systems, vibrating systems, flashes lights, ...).


    Physical and psycho-acoustic aspects

    Objective audiometric balance: adult and child


    Prosthetic adaptation: adult and child

    Subjective audiometric balance: adult and child

    Prosthetic and technical solutions


    COLLEGE NATIONAL D’AUDIOPROTHESE, Précis d’audioprothèse, L’appareillage de l’adulte, Tome 1, Le bilan d’orientation prothétique, Les éditions du Collège National d’audioprothèse, 1997.

    COLLEGE NATIONAL D’AUDIOPROTHESE, Précis d’audioprothèse, L’appareillage de l’adulte, Tome 2 Le choix prothétique , Les éditions du Collège National d’audioprothèse, 1999.

    DELAROCHE M., Audiométrie comportementale du très jeune enfant, Ed. De Boeck Université, 2001.

    DUMONT A., Implantations cochléaires, Guide pratique d’évaluation et de rééducation, Ortho-édition, 1997.

    LEPOT-FROMENT Ch., CLEREBAUT N., L’enfant sourd, question de personne, Ed. De Boeck, 1996.

    PORTMANN, M.et C. Précis d’audiométrie clinique. Masson, Paris,1988

    SEEWALD R.C., La méthode D.S.L. pour l’appareillage des nourrissons et des enfants, VONLANTHEN A., Manuel technique des aides auditives, 1995.



    Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
    Assessment MethodsOral examinations
    NotesIn part

    Learning and training to the language of the signs

    ECTS Credits7
    Number of Hours (h/year)75
    Teaching staffAhn, Raymonde
    Course UnitCompulsory
    TermQuad. 1 and 2


    Aims and Objectives

    To use the language of the signs


    The language of the signs

    · Parameters

    · Sites, localization

    · Classifiers

    · Verbs

    · Environment

    Scientific overview

    · Origins of the language of the signs

    · Main events

    · Socio-linguistic approach of the L.S.F.B. (Language of the Franco-Belgian Signs)

    · Cultural heritage of the L.S.F.B.

    · Aims, objective and means of the L.S.F.B.

    Course structure

    · Exercises: warm-up, quiet and visual adaptation

    · Exercises: space and visual arousal

    · Exercises: grammatical understanding of the L.S.F.B.

    · Progressive exercises: dexterity, speed, expression

    Communication exercises on different subjects: identity, time, food and drinks, house, holidays, family life, health and leisure activities


    Dictionnaire de la langue des signes.

    Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
    Assessment MethodsOral examinations

    Written tests and dialogues (language of the signs)


    Learning and training to reading

    ECTS Credits4
    Number of Hours (h/year)30
    Teaching staffDETROZ, Carine
    REINKIN, Isabelle
    Course UnitCompulsory
    TermQuad. 1 and 2


    Aims and Objectives

    To have a greater dexterity in the use of the L.P.C. (Cued Speech). To give the students who did not have a former training, a tool of for acquiring this technique (video tapes).

    To be able to use powerful tools aiming at dealing with deaf adults and for whom lip reading is an essential tool of communication.


    Cued Speech

    · Theoretical aspects

    · Comprehension and expression exercises

    · Training exercises: dexterity, speed, complexity.

    A.K.A. (Assisted Kinemes Alphabet)

    · Aims and limits

    · Theoretical approach

    · Critical approach of its use.

    Lip reading for the adults who just become deaf

    · Mental substitution

    · General advices

    • Training exercises and their progression (visual perception and mental gymnastics exercises).

    Md Detroz : Transcription du "cours d'apprentissage du LPC" ,LECLERCQ D, LEMAIRE. Det GEYSEN F

    Md REINKIN " Voir la parole " DUMONT A, CALBOUR Ch, Masson 2002 ; " Cours complet de lecture labiale " SAUSSUS et FOURNIER 1949 ; " Manuel de lecture labiale " SAUSSUS et FOURNIER 1949 ; " La lecture labiale " ISTRIA M , NICOLAS - JEANTOUX L et TAMBOISE j 1979 ; " La Lecture Labiale : pédagogie et méthode "GARRIC J, ARDDS 1998; "Manuel pratique de lecture labiale " HAROUTUNIAN D , SOLAL , 2002

    Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
    Assessment MethodsOral examinations

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