1st Master in Industrial sciences (2nd cycle-Industrial Engineers) Chemistry

Applied sciences

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ECTS Credits3
Number of Hours (h/year)45
Teaching staffHAFNAOUI, Anass
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1

Algebra (solving equations), derivatives, integrals, fourier Series (taught in the same year), Statistics (taught in the same year). Basic physical chemistry and quantum mechanics: Methods spectral (IR, UV, NMR, ...).

Aims and Objectives

Allow students to make the connection between theory of mathematics courses and practice Scientific and Industrial directly related to his training in general and his specialty, (chimie-biochimie), in particular.


Part 1: Introduction to the Fourier transform and its applications Chimie-Biochimie. The X-ray diffraction. Implementation of the TF to spéctroscopie and NMR tomography. Implementation of the TF to spéctrométrie IR.Part 2: Statistical Review of the results of quantitative studies of chemicals products (calculations, sampling, linear regression, etc.)

Part 3: numerical analysis applied to chemistry.

Part 4: methods and techniques of dimensionnement of chemical installations.

Part 5: Applications SCILAB.


Analyse de fourier et applications, Claude gasquet Patrick Witomski, Edition DUNOD.

1Waser J.; Pictorial representation of the Fourier method of X-ray Crystallography; J.Chem.

Farrar, T. C. : Pulse and Fourier Transform NRM.

Strong F. C : How the Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer work, J.Chem. Educ.



Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Group seminars or workshops
Assessment MethodsOral examinations

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