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2nd Psychology Assistant - Bachelor - Orientation Psychopaedagogics and Psychomotility

 ECTS CreditsNumber of Hours (h/year)
Test methodology

Physiology of the nervous system and sense organs

ECTS Credits4
Number of Hours (h/year)60
Teaching staff
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

The objective of this course is to familiarize the assistants in psychology with the neurophysiology and the neuropsychology. This knowledge should make it possible to the students to interact and collaborate with doctors specialists in the central nervous system (neurologist, neuropsychiatrist, neurosurgeon, etc) and with others (for example, neuropsychologist) confronted with patients suffering from various cerebral pathologies. It will be able to thus locate its intervention compared to the suffering subject of neurological disorders by affirming the importance of the motivation, the communication, socialization and autonomy.



  • Subdivisions of the nervous system
  • Sensorial and motor systems
  • Brain and behavior


  • Definition
  • Assumptions and methods
  • Working memory
  • Long-term memory
  • Attention
  • Agnosia
  • Hemineglect
  • Disorders associated with frontal lobe
  • Apraxia
  • Technical assessment and rehabilitation in neuropsychology
  • Dementias


Bear, M.F., Connors, B.W. & Paradiso, M.A. (2007). Neurosciences à la découverte du cerveau. Editions Pradel.

Meulemans, T., Desgranges, B., Adam, S., & Eustache, F. (2003). Evaluation et prise en charge des troubles mnésiques. Marseille : Solal.

Seron X., Neuropsychologie cognitive, éd. PUF, coll. Que sais-je ?

Seron, X. & Van der Linden, M. (2000). Traité de neuropsychologie clinique, SOLAL Editeurs.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsOral examinations
Projects or practical work
NotesIn part

Psychology applied to psychomotility

ECTS Credits3
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffMARQUES, Manuela
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1

Holding the credits of the developmental psychology course

Aims and Objectives

To be prepared to meet a person needing assistance.

To be clearly aware of the roles of the psychomotility expert.

To be able to set a person in his/her development process and to precisely assess the difficulties.

To be able to set up an intervention plan integrating a systemic analysis of the person’s request.


Basic concepts of psychomotility, assessment techniques, the roles of both systemic and psycho-analysis in a subject’s request examination. Common issues and possible solutions


A. DE MEUR, L. STAES - Psychomotricité, éducation et rééducation, ed. Belin, 1995.

F. DOLTO - L'image inconsciente du corps. Ed. Seuil, 1984.

J. LACOMBE - Le développement de l'enfant : approche théorique et activités corporelles. Ed. De Boeck, 1996

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Child psychopathology

ECTS Credits3
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffMARQUES, Manuela
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 2

Good knowledge of normal child development.

Aims and Objectives

Give a basic training in child psychopathology in order to enable students to face various problems and find the most appropriate attitude, at least as concerns the most frequent.


Module 1 : Lack of affection and its consequences.

Module 2 : Psychosomatic expression of anguish and stress.

Module 3 : Child nevrosis.

Module 4 : School problems.

Module 5 : Behavior problems in the teens

Module 6 : Psychological aspects of language problems.

Module 7 : Psychotic problems.


AJURIAGUERRA DE J. Manuel de psychiatrie de l'enfant. Masson, 1992.

DOLTO F. Psychanalyse et pédiatrie. Editions du Seuil. 1971.

PELSER R. Manuel de psychopathologie de l'enfant et de l'adolescent. Editions Gaëtan Morin, 2001.

SMIRNOFF V. La psychanalyse de l'enfant. PUF, 1966.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

case studies and discussions.

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Psychomotor Techniques

ECTS Credits4
Number of Hours (h/year)60
Teaching staffSERVAIS, Alain
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

To give the students the theoretical basic knowledge to organize a further self-training.


Unit 1 : Psychomotility

Unit 2 : Psychomotor education techniques

Unit 3 : Rehabilitation techniques


BERTHERAT, T., Le corps a ses raisons, éd. Seuil, 1980.

DAYAN, J., Psychologie de la périnatalité, éd. Masson, Paris, 1999.

DELIEVRE, B., STAES, , La psychomotricité au service de l’enfant, éd. De Boeck, 1993.ELIACHEFF, C., A corps et à cris, éd. O. Jacob, 1993.

J.LE BOULCH. "Psychocinétique et apprentissages scolaires" ESF 1984.

S.B.OUVRAY "Intégration motrice et développement psychique"DDB 2004

SERVAIS.A. "Les neurones miroirs et le schéma corporel" Intervention Yverdon 2009.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsOral examinations

sensitivation to projective techniques

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffMARQUES, Manuela
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1

Basic knowledge on the operation of psychism according to the psychoanalysis

Aims and Objectives

To make discover with the students a broad range of techniques aiming supporting and at supporting the expression of the emotions and the representations of a child, a teenager, or, of a family. Their to give the occasion to practise one of it or the other so that they can be involved to formulate assumptions concerning the material collected and to write a synthesis.


Presentation of Rorschach and the TAT, various techniques usable with the family or the couple (génogramme, fast, sculpting,…), and of the use, with the children, of techniques adapted like the drawing (of the character, the family,…) the CAT, the Black Leg, completion of sentences or stories, etc


BRELET F. CHABERT C. Le nouveau manuel du TAT. Dunod, 2003.

CAILLE P. et REY Y. Les objets flottants. ESF, 1994.

RAUSCH de TRAUBENBERG N. La pratique du Rorschach. PUF, 1970 et Le Rorschach en clinique infantile. Dunod, 1984.

ROYER J. Que nous disent les dessins d'enfants. Hommes et perspectives, 1995.

Teaching and Learning Methods

lectures, exploitation of protocols, practicalexercises

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Each student will have to choose one (or several) test (S) and to document sufficiently to be able to use it correctly.It will have then to carry out at least two testing different and to analyze the data collected. The evaluation will be based on the written report/ratio of this work.


Psychomotor Tests

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffMARQUES, Manuela
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 2

Basic knowledge about child's development.

Aims and Objectives

The student will be able to take part in a multidisciplinary team, to make a psychomotor report about a child.


- Revision about psychomotricity development.

- Diagnosis

- Discovery of the approach of Bucher, vayer and Leplat.

- Exploration of complementary tests.



BUCHEZ Huguette. "Développement et examen psychomoteur de l'enfant". Ed. Masson, Paris, 2004.

LEPLAT Fabienne " L'examen psychomoteur". Editions et Applications psychologiques, Paris, 2000.

VAYER P. Education psychomotrice et arriération mentale. Ed. Doin, 1972.

VAYER P. L'enfant face au monde. Ed. Doin, 1972.



Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Project or fieldwork

- Exploration available tests from the syllabus

- Implementation of some tests

- Field and video observations.


Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
Projects or practical work
Continuous assessment

The marking will be founded on a pair work :

- testing of 2 children  - presentation of the video and of the written report.

A test may be proposed to check the theoretical knowledge.

The classroom activity will also be evaluated.



ECTS Credits14
Number of Hours (h/year)150
Teaching staff
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

To awaken and develop the professional skills by applying the theories studied during the field placement.


The placement is 7 weeks long, from monday to thuesday included.

The student finds the placement places and makes the preliminary contacts.

Once the placement is defined, an appointment is made with the external supervisor. The student is given a “term-and-condition workbook” containing:

- legal and general information about the psychology assistant curriculum ;

- a contract signed by all the parties and presented in due time ;

- an assessment grid to be filled in by the external supervisor.


The teaching project of the institution where the trainee is accomodated. Legislative texts concerning the sector chosen, of theoretical research on the situations met on the place of training course,...

Teaching and Learning Methods

The student is framed by the Master of training course of the institution.Two individual supervisions (and more if it is necessary) are organized within the High School by the internal supervisor who envisages also at least a visit on the place of training course.

Assessment MethodsPlacements

The evaluation of the Master of training course is defined according to a grid available in the notebook of training course. Its opinion is advisory and is supplemented by that of the internal supervisor.

This total note takes into account:

- the attitude of the student in training course and during the supervisions ;

- a report/ratio of training course of 20 maximum pages is required, it must include a presentation of the service and activities undertaken, a total assessment of the trainings that the training course made it possible to realize, two analyses (case, situations or individualized projects) and a critical analysis of its own behavior (feelings compared to the training course, difficulties, personal reflexion, its capacities of evolution and handing-over in question,...) ;

- a meeting between the internal supervisor and the student in order to clear up and/or look further into aspects of the report of training course which require it.


Practical interview techniques

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staff
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 2

2nd year course in Interview techniques

Aims and Objectives

Capacity to guide people toward a kind of dialog appropriate to their expectations and/or the needs of the organization.

Capacity to advise and guide persons toward appropriate psycho-therapists.

Capacity to lead structured interviews with an aim of social anamnesis, and with motivational and family functions.

Capacity to recognize major communication problems of pathological origin in the course of these interviews.

Capacity to provide non-directive support and to assess its indications and limits.

Student must be aware of any obstacle to communication.


The different types of structured interviews.

Reception and analysis of expectations.

Non-directive interviews : obstacles to communication.

Patient self-sufficiency, understanding life experience, reformulation, empathy.

Interviews with children and young people.

Systemic interviews : couples, families, constructing a genogram.

Psycho-analytical cure model.

Introduction to induction practice in hypnotic suggestion.


FREUD, S., La technique de la psychanalyse, éd. PUF.

MAC GOLDORICK, M., Génogramme et entretien familial, éd. E.S.F.MUCCHIELLI, R., L’entretien en face à face dans la relation d’aide, éd. ESF.

PILLOT, J, L’écoute dans l’accompagnement de la souffrance, in JALMALV, n°37, juin 1994

VANNESSE, A, Ecouter l’autre, tant de choses à dire, éd Chronique Sociale, Lyon, 1998

Teaching and Learning MethodsTutorials

Audiovisual methods. Role games. Written exercises. Testimony of invited speakers : therapists of different obedience.

Assessment MethodsOral examinations

Psychology of the disabled

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staff
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 2

1st year course on Developmental psychology

Aims and Objectives

At the end of the course, students will be able to :

- describe the main types of handicaps and services for handicapped persons ;

- to rid of its prejudices concerning the handicap.


- Introduction : definitions, prevention, etiology,…

- Sensory handicaps : audio an visual deficiencies.

- Physical handicaps : cerebral palsy, spinabifida, muscular dystrophy,…

- Mental handicaps : Down syndrome, autism.

For each type of handicap, description of symptoms and associated disorders, etiology and prevention, psychological developments.

- Discussion of various issues : mobility, sexuality,…


- Comblain A. et Rondal J.A., 2001, Manuel de psychologie du handicap. Sprimont, Mardaga.

- Dalla Piazza S. et Dan B., 2001, Handicaps et déficiences de l’enfant. Bruxelles, De Boek.

- Guidetti M. et Tourrette C., 1996, Handicaps et développement psychologique de l’enfant. Paris, Colin/Masson.


Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Group seminars or workshops
Project or fieldwork



Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
Projects or practical work
Continuous assessment

Written examination referring to the objectives and matters approached to the course and report of their encounter with a handicapped person.


NotesIn part

Applied statistics

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staff
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 2

Elementary mathematics, resolution of equations, systems of equation


Aims and Objectives

The student will be able to apply the descriptive statistical methods, to correctly use the correlation and regression formulae

The student will be able to apply the sampling methods, to use the normal distribution correctly and to compare 2 samples


Quantitative and qualitative variables, presentation of data, graphics representation

Means and dispersion parameters

Correlation. The Bravais-Pearson correlation coefficient and the Spearman rank order cefficient

 Notions of probability. Probability laws : binomial distribution, normal distribution


Hypotheses tests.


Masiéri, Statistique et calcul de probabilités, Sirey éd Dalloz

Rude, N et Retel, O ,Statistique en psychologie, éd. In press


Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

practical exercises and interpretation of results

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Techniques d'entretien

ECTS Credits1
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staff
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1
Aims and Objectives

1.The student will be able to make a difference between the different types of interviews and to adequately apply them to the situation.

2.On the basis of the theoretical part of the course, the student will be able to identify and adopt the appropriate attitudes as well as the suitable communication and interview techniques.

3.The student is expected to become aware of his or her own reference frames, opinions and prejudices to make it easier for the consultants to express their ideas.

-become aware of his or her working method and be able to find ways of improving it

-be able to observe him or herself, to stand back in order to assess and criticize him or herself

-be able to exchange his or her practices


First module: The interview : definitions Second module: The different types of interviews


  • Journalistic interviews
  • Hiring interviews
  • Information interviews
  • Anamnesic interviews
  • Assessment interviews
  • Guidance interviews
  • Helping and psychtherapical interviews


Third module: Interviews with parents of children in the school environment: guidance


  • First contact
  • First interview
  • Assessment
  • Conclusions and indications


Fourth module: The helping relationship


  • World overview. The universes of signification
  • The helping relationship according to C. Rogers: the facilitating attitudes
  • Definition and specificity of the helping relationship
  • The non facilitating verbal attitudes and interventions
  • Rewording: basic technique of the helping interview

BLANCHET A. et al, L'entretien dans les sciences sociales, éd. Dunod, Paris, 1985.

CORRAZE, J., Les communications non verbales, éd. P.U.F., Paris, 1992.

DERIVIERE, R., PARTOUNS, M., KEMPENEERS, T., Les entretiens de guidance, L'information psychologique - L'entretien - éd. Editest, n°41, 1971.

MUCCHIELLI, R., L'entretien de face à face, éd. ESF, Paris, 1998.

ROGERS, C., Le développement de la personne, éd. Dunod, Paris, 1973.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsOral examinations

Techniques d'intervention

ECTS Credits1
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staff
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

A psychology assistant is a field worker who has to intervene personally to solve matrimonial problems as well as family and organisation problems. For that purpose he or she has to master some concepts and transversal tools.

Aims and Objectives

At the end of the first year the student will be able

-to define and use some key concepts enabling him or her to elaborate an operational intervention system within the framework of the social work and its organisation

-to use relevant interviewing techniques within the framework of his or her interventions

-to analyse a request


The course is divided into three parts:


First module: General principles of systemic approach of the interactions

  • Verbal and non verbal communication
  • Axiomatics
  • Levels of reality, …


Second module: key concepts concerning the intervention in social work and organisations


  • Potential staff / Actual staff
  • Context
  • General demands
  • Demands from institutions
  • Demands from judicial authorities


Third module:  guidelines about self-questioning


Amiguet O, Travail social et sysmétique : contexte et/ou épistémologie, in

Travail social et systématique, Amiguet et Julier, Les EditionsIES, Genève, 1994, pp.11-36

Ausloss G, "Secret de famille", in Changement systémiques en thérapie familiale, Haley, Caillé, Ausloss, Ferreira, Sluski, Véron, ESF , Paris, 1980, pp62-80

Bateson G, "Vers une écologie de l'esprit", Seuil, Paris, 1980

Watzlawick P, Weakland J., Fisch R, "Changements, paradoxes et Psychothérapie", Seuil, Paris, 1975 

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

Interactive course consisting of

-talks given by the students


-case analyses

-role playing

with the help of audiovisual aids

Assessment MethodsWritten and/or oral examination

Oral assessment including questions

  • about theory
  • requiring the application of theory in a given situation
  • inciting the students to make a choice between the set of theoretical concepts  that are necessary to react to a specific situation

Deontology and ethics

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staff
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1

A good command of the mother tongue.

Aims and Objectives

To encourage the students to develop ethical consciousness for first-rate professional interventions

To present different aspects of ethical codes of Belgian and French psychologists while illustrating them by concrete situations.

To warn students against possible consequences of a loose practice.

To put the stress on this last point before the placement.



Study of concepts such as morals, ethics and deontology. Analysis of the moral or ethic aspects of spontaneous conducts.

Analysis of the conditions that legitimate professional psychological intervention.

Analysis of concrete situations.


D. CASTRO, M. SANTIAGO-DELFOSSE. Pratiques déontologiques en psychologie. Ed. Martin Média, Hommes et Perspectives, 2001.

B. VERGELY Les grandes interrogations morales. Ed. Milan, 1999.

O. PAYCHENG, S. SZERMAN, A la rencontre de l'éthique. Ed. Heures de France, 1997.

J.P. ROSENCZVEIG, P. VERDIER, Le secret professionnel en travail social. Ed. Dunod, 1999.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Dynamic psychology

ECTS Credits3
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staff
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1


Aims and Objectives

On completion of the course, the student will be able to

- Know, define and use psychoanalytical concepts accurately

- Apply them to clinical cases found in books


- Introduction

- Birth of psychoanalysis

- Chart summing up the differences between psychoanalysis and psychotherapies

- First and second Freudian subdivisions

- The expressions of the unconscious

- Lacan’s concept

- The need, want, demand


ALBERTI, C., SAURET, M.-J., La psychanalyse, éd. Les Essentiels de Milan.

FREUD, S., Les cinq leçons sur la psychanalyse, Petite Bibliothèque Payot, 1966.

FREUD, S., Sur le rêve, éd. Gallimard, coll. Folio, 1988.

SAURET, M.-J., Freud et l’Inconscient, éd. Les Essentiels de Milan.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

Text reading and comments

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
NotesIn part

Psychopathology (including child and teen) - Partim 1

ECTS Credits4
Number of Hours (h/year)60
Teaching staff
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

At the end of the course, the student will be able to

  1. differentiate and put the notion of normality into perspective;
  2. define and spot the different psychic structures and identify the different psychic disorders within these structures;
  3. analyse therapeutic strategies.

Unit 1 : Introduction

Unit 2 : The different current approaches in psychopathology

Unit 3 : Structure integration

Unit 4 : Structures

Unit 5 : Neuroses

Unit 6 : Psychoses

Unit 7 : Perversions


CARALP E., Les maladies mentales nommées folie, éd. Essentiels de milan

FREUD S., Les cinq psychanalyses, PUF

BARNES M. et BERKE J., Voyage à travers la folie, ed.Seuil.

Teaching and Learning Methods

Speeches . Case study.

Assessment MethodsOral examinations
NotesIn part

Education and rehabilitation techniques

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staff
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

On completion of the course, the student will be able to

- define and criticize the education and rehabilitation concepts as well as put them into practice in class and on the field;

- transpose the exercises practised in class to the placement and workplace;

- take part in team-work.


Unit 1 : Theories of P. Osterrieth and E. Chaulet

Unit 2 : Group exercises and exchanges between actors

Unit 3 : Field writing report and oral defence

Unit 4 : A few useful methodological tools


CHAULET, E., Manuel de pédagogie spécialisée, éd. Dunod, Paris, 1998, Avant- propos, Une seule pédagogie pour tous, Chapitre1 La parole réparatrice. Les exercices fondamentaux. Chapitre 4 L’outil de l’intelligence. L’éducation de la main. Chapitre 5 L’intelligence en marche. Exercices didactiques.

OSTERRIETH, P., Faire des adultes, éd. Mardaga, Chapitre 1, Le but de l’éducation et Chapitre 2, Changer,

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Project or fieldwork

Exchanges. Speeches. Reports. Group exercises.

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
Oral examinations
Continuous assessment


ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staff
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 2
Aims and Objectives

To lead the student to develop his knowledge (to make and to know to be) during its training course


Groups discussions  around situations met on the place of training course

Teaching and Learning MethodsGroup seminars or workshops

Groups discussions 

Assessment MethodsPlacements

Report of training course at the end of the year



ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staff
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1

Command of the language skills developed in the first course unit.

Aims and Objectives

Further practice of genuine English-language reading  material specific to the option, scientific abstract writing and information retrieval at a more advanced level


Reading practice of English as used in the field of psychology at a more advanced level.

Grammar review in connection with the documents discussed in class.

Practice of scientific abstract writing.

The glossary of the most commonly used technical terms in the field of psychology and other related sciences – started in the first course unit – will be pursued.


British and American press : The Guardian, The Times, The New York Times, Time, Newsweek.

Scientific journals and magazines : American Psychological Association (www.apa.org) , National Institute of Mental Health (www.nimh.nih.gov) , Journal of the American Medical Association (www.jama.ama-assn.org), The Lancet , The British Medical Journal (www.bmj.com ).

Reference books:

Collins Cobuild, English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, Harper Collins Publishers

English grammar in Use, Raymond Murphy, Cambridge

Online dictionaries: www.m-w.com, ' le grand dictionnaire', 'eurodicautom'

Teaching and Learning MethodsTutorials

Much emphasis is put on the students’ regular attendance.

Students are also expected to take an active part in the classroom activities.

At the beginning of each academic year, students are given detailed course guidelines on the teaching, learning and assessment methods.

Assessment MethodsWritten and/or oral examination

Applied psychopaedagogics

ECTS Credits3
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffMOUILLET, Sylvie
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1


Aims and Objectives

The student will be able to

- define what is psychopaedagogics;

- define the factors having an impact on the educational context;

- have a critical mind in particular educational contexts in order to assess how they rely on the learning processes and they can be improved;

- be aware of the underlying teaching values;

- read the decree about general education 97;

- define schools with special needs, their structures and publics.


• Definition

• Factors influencing the educational situation

• Some laws of learning

• External stakeholders at the school

• Models of analysis and reflection

• Articles on the theme of pedagogy


BECKERS, J., Enseignants en Communauté française de Belgique - Mieux comprendre le système, ses institutions et ses politiques éducatives pour mieux situer son action, DeBoeck, 2006. 

FOULIN, J.-N., MONCHON, S., Psychologie de l’éducation, éd. Nathan Université, Série Education, 1999.

MIALARET, G., La psychopédagogie, éd. PUF, coll. Que sais-je ? n°2357, 1998.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Project or fieldwork
Assessment MethodsWritten and/or oral examination
Projects or practical work
Continuous assessment

The information contained herein is intended for informational purposes only. The Higher Education Institution disclaims any responsibility with regard to its content.