3rd Psychology Assistant - Bachelor - Orientation Psychopaedagogics and Psychomotility

Group dynamics

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ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staff
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 2


Aims and Objectives

- identify and understand the main group dynamics phenomena

- understand communication hindrances, the origins of conflicts to optimize group dynamics

- prepare students to the organization of meetings and group dynamics



- the concepts of group and dynamics

- group dynamics and the functions of the moderator

- structure of a group in a process of formation


- social influences


AMADO G. & GUITTET A. Dynamique des communications dans les groupes. Paris : A. Colin, 1991.

ANZIEU D.. Le groupe et l'inconscient : l'imaginaire groupai. Paris : Dunod, 1981.

ANZIEU D. & MARTIN J.Y. La dynamique des groupes restreints. Paris : PUF, 1968.

AUBERT N., DE GAULEJAC V ., NA VRIDIS K. L'aventure psychosociologique. Paris, Desclée de Brouwer, 1997

Teaching and Learning MethodsTutorials
Assessment MethodsOral examinations
Projects or practical work
Continuous assessment

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