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1st Psychology Assistant - Bachelor

 ECTS CreditsNumber of Hours (h/year)
Méthodologie du travail


ECTS Credits4
Number of Hours (h/year)45
Teaching staffHONS, Benoît
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 2

Biology course of the secondary school

Aims and Objectives

The aim of the course is to develop the scientific knowledge of the students theoretically and practically


Unit 1 : The origins of life and evolution

Unit 2 : Chemical organisation of the matter

Unit 3 : Introduction to cellular ultrastructure

Unit 4 : Example of molecular mechanism inside the cell

Unit 5 : Cellular cycle and cancers

Unit 6 : Reproduction, fertilization and notions of embryology

Unit 7 : Introduction to microbiology

Unit 8 : Introduction to genetics mutations and genetic engineering

Unit 9 : Elementary principles of non-specific defence mechanisms and of immunology

Unit 10 : Notions of ecology

Unit 11 : Introduction to bioethics


Marcel Blanc, Les héritiers de Darwin, Seuil, 1990, 265 pp.

Keith L. Moore, L’être humain en développement, Vigot Frères - Paris, 1974, 374 pp.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Anatomy, physiology and endocrinology

ECTS Credits3
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffPIETTE, Anne-Thérèse
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1


Aims and Objectives

The student will be able to :

- describe the human body;

- describe the mechanisms of the regulation and integration of the physiological processes by the nervous and endocrinal systems;

- describe the functioning of the main systems.


Unit 1: The human body

Unit 2: Homeostasis

Unit 3: Anatomy, physiology and regulation of the systems.



SCHÄFFLER A. et SCHMIDT S. (2001), Anat, Physio, Bio, Paris, éditions Maloine ;

TORTORA G.J. et GRABOWSKI S.R. (1997), Principes d'anatomie et physiologie, Canada, De Boeck Université .

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Test methodology (practical exercises)

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffCOLLARD, Marie-Anne; RESPENTINO, Brigitte
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Command of the mother tongue

cours in the 1st six-month period : Test methodology (theoretical cours)

Aims and Objectives

To familiarize the students with the steps implemented through the discovery of some tests.



Classification of the tests

- the tests of efficiency (mainly Wechsler's scale : WISC III)

- inventories of personality, projective techniques (TAT, Rorschach)


BERNAUD J.-L., Les méthodes d’évaluation de la personnalité, Dunod, collection « Les topos », Paris, 1998.

GUILLEVIC C. & VAUTIER S., Diagnostic et tests psychologiques, Nathan, collection 128, Paris, 1998

LIEF J. & al., Psychologie et éducation/ Notions de psychométrie, tome III, Nathan, Paris, 1968

MUCCHIELLI R., L’examen psychotechnique, ESF, 1969

PICHOT P., Les tests mentaux, P.U.F, Collection « Que sais-je ? », Paris, 1997

PLANCHARD E., Théorie et pratiques des tests, Editions Nauwelaerts, 1972

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

Settings in situation of testing between students (tester/tested): correction of tests.

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
Continuous assessment

Statistique appliquée

ECTS Credits3
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffCollard, Muriel; Devaux, Aurore
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Elementary mathematics, resolution of equations, systems of equation

Aims and Objectives

The student will be able to apply the descriptive statistical methods, to correctly use the correlation and regression formulae

The student will be able to apply the sampling methods, to use the normal distribution correctly and to compare 2 samples


Quantitative and qualitative variables, presentation of data, graphics representation

Means and dispersion parameters

Correlation. The Bravais-Pearson correlation coefficient and the Spearman rank order cefficient

 Notions of probability. Probability laws : binomial distribution, normal distribution


Hypotheses tests.


Masiéri, Statistique et calcul de probabilités, Sirey éd Dalloz

Rude, N et Retel, O ,Statistique en psychologie, éd. In press


Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

practical exercises and interpretation of results

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations


ECTS Credits3
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffChwist, Valérie
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 2


Aims and Objectives

 At the end of the course, the student will :

  • master the language specific to the course subject

  • have acquired the basic knowledge of the economic mechanisms

  • be able to explain a graph

  • identify the various economic models and doctrines

  • make the difference between planified economy and market economy

  • define the main economic foundations as well as the rudiments of the economic

policies characterising the present system and its evolutions

  • distinguish the economic variables having an impact on individuals and on

groups of people

  • find out more information and even have a critical mind on it.


the market economy model

the social democratic model

the globalised economic model

the supply and the demand

the economic decline / recession

the public authorithies

the public funds



COHEN Daniel, Nos temps modernes, éd. Flammarion, Paris, 1999

LONGUET Stéphane, les Classiques de l’économie – anthologie, Presses Pocket, Paris, 1991

MOUCHOT Claude, Pour que l'économie retrouve la raison, Economica, Paris, 2010

PETRELLA Ricardo, Eloge de la solidarité, Labor, Bruxelles, 1996

Référentiel d’économie, Didier Hatier, 2010, Bouge

Dictionnaire de la Pensée économique, BORMANS Christophe, Jeunes Editions, Paris, 2000

Notes de cours

Syllabus de GOOSSENS Vicky, 2009

Notes personnelles de sciences humaines et économiques, IPEPS Liège, 2009

Document audio-visuel

Reportage ou film relatif au contenu du cours

Périodiques, articles de presse ou sites internet

Brochures à propos de la banque, de la bourse et des produits financiers

Pour les articles ou sites internet, sources référencées en bas de page

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

written exercices

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Linguistics and Semiotics

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffCORNELIS, Annelore; Henry, Anaïs
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 2

General knowledge acquired through the secondary school

Aims and Objectives

On completion of the course, the student will have to master and apply the basic concepts of linguistics and semiotics in everyday life situations (advertising, print, …)


Linguistics :


  • Distinction between « langue » and « parole »
  • The functions of language
  • Code and system
  • The sign (signifier and signified), the referent
  • Arbitrariness of the linguistic sign
  • The dichotomy « arbitraire » versus « motivé »
  • Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
  • Elements of psycholinguistics
  • The double articulation : monemes and phonemes.
  • Denotation, connotation and metalanguage
  • Notion of semantics
  • Notion of pragmatics
  • Notion of rhetoric


Semiotics :


  • Specific semiotics and applied semiotics
  • Semiotics of communication and semiotics of signification
  • Classification of signs
  • Index, icon and symbol

Elements of visual semiotics : iconic signs and plastic signs


Barthes, Roland, L’Aventure sémiologique, Paris, le Seuil, 1985.

Dubois, Jean et al., Dictionnaire de linguistique, Paris, Larousse, 1973.

Ducrot, Oswald et Todorov, Tzvetan, Dictionnaire encyclopédique des sciences du langage, Paris, Seuil, Coll. “Points”, 1972.

Eco, Umberto, Le signe, adapté de l’italien par Jean-Marie Klinkenberg, Bruxelles, Labor, Coll. “ Média ”, 1990.

Groupe µ, Rhétorique générale, Paris, Seuil, Coll. “ Points ”, 1982.

Groupe µ, Traité du signe visuel. Pour une rhétorique de l’ima

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations


ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffLENAERTS, Myriam; ROMANO, Rosalia
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 2

Basic knowledge of spoken and written standard English , self-study learning method highly recommended.

Good command of the French language and of its grammatical terminology

Aims and Objectives

To introduce students to genuine English-language documents related to psychological issues:

To help students understand, analyze, interpret and sum up articles (abstract writing) from the written press (such as Time, Newsweek, The Times, The Guardian) and from journals specialized in psychological studies/research;

to teach students how to find relevant and reliable information sources in the field of psychological studies in English.


Reading practice of English as used in the field of psychology.

Grammar review in connection with the documents discussed in class.

Practice of scientific abstract writing.

Correct use of a bilingual (French-English)and descriptive (English-English) dictionary.

Drawing up of a glossary of the most commonly used technical terms in the field of psychology and other related sciences.


English print media:

The Guardian, The Times, The New York Times, Time, Newsweek.

Specialized journals and magazines

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (www.aacap.org)

American Psychological Association (www.apa.org)

National Institute of Mental Health (www.nimh.nih.gov)

Journal of the American Medical Association (www.jama.ama-assn.org)

The British Medical Journal (www.bmj.com)




http://www.therapistfinder.net/glossary/index.html (Interactive Glossary of Mental Health and Disability Terms)


Dictionaries and reference books:

Collins Cobuild, English Dictionary for Advanced Learners , Harper Collins.

English Grammar in Use, Raymon Murphy, Cambridge

Online dictionaries:



‘le grand dictionnaire’


Teaching and Learning MethodsTutorials

At the beginning of each academic year, students are given detailed course guidelines on the teaching, learning and assessment methods favoured in the English class.

Major emphasis is put on the students’ regular attendance.

Students are also expected to take an active part in the classroom activities.


Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Observation technique

ECTS Credits3
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffCOLLARD, Marie-Anne; HUMBLET, Frédéric
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Good command of French

Aims and Objectives

On completion of year 1 the student will be

- able to define and illustrate the various observation techniques related to psychology as well as the main stages in scientific observation.

- aware of the difficulties related to observation (danger of self-projection, involvement by lack of distance and reciprocal influence)

sensitive to scientific and objective observation as well as non-verbal communication.

Able to choose and use the relevant observation grid.


- difficulties linked to psychological observation : phenomena linked to the observer and the environment.

- observation techniques in psychology : self-observation, participant observation, direct and discreet observation and equipped observation

- various stages of observation


BERNAUD J.-L., Les méthodes d’évaluation de la personnalité, Dunod, collection « Les topos », Paris, 1998.

BERTHIAUME D., L'observation de l'enfant en milieu éducatif. 2ditions Morin, Montréal, 2004.

DE KETELE J.M., Méthodologie du recueil d’informations, De Boeck, 1996.

MUCCHIELLI, R., L’observation psychologique et psychosociologique, éd. ESF, 1980

WEIL-BARAIS A, . Les méthodes en psychologie, Bréal Collection Grand Amphi, Rosny, 1997


Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

Practical situational observation (structured exercises, role-playing, exploitation of audio-visual material), gathering and analysis of findings, analysis of the difficulties encountered by the students.

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
Projects or practical work


ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)45
Teaching staffBAJOMEE, Alain
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1


Aims and Objectives

To understand the links between philosophy and psychology

To analyze common issues


links between philosophy and psychology

dialogues between psychology and philosophy about the conceptions of the human being

Epistemological analysis of psychological concepts

Ethical reflection: Is psychology a wisdom?


RAINKIN M., Une introduction à la philosophie, Liège, Ed. CEFAL, 2002.

PIRE F., Questions de Psychologie, Bruxelles, De Boeck, 1997.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsOral examinations

Techniques d'expression écrite et orale

ECTS Credits1
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffAMEN, Christiane; DUMONT, Agnès; RADOUX, Séverine
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 2

Good knowledge of French

Aims and Objectives

Improving writing skills and still, grammar and range of vocabulary, developing one's critical mind. 


Introduction to the written communication techniques, including writing exercices(information, argumentative, narratie, poetic texts), text analysis, theorical classe.


J.-F. CABILLAUD, De la langue à l'expression, Bruxelles, de Boeck, 1991.

A. RABATEL, Argumenter en racontant, Bruxelles, de Boeck et Larcier, 2004.






Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Cultural anthropology

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffBAJOMEE, Alain
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 2


Aims and Objectives

- The student will be taught to get rid of his/her ethnocentered prejudices and to take cultural relativity.

- The student will be able to understand and use key-concepts of social anthropology necessary to live in a multi-ethnic society.


Choice among the following themes :

1. Sociology and anthropology

2. Philosophy and anthropology

3. Main trends in anthropology

4. Overview of a few fields of social anthropology

5. Human rights and anthropology

Reading and commentary of a short document.


J. CAMPBELL, puissance du mythe, J'ai lu, 1991.

J. COPANS, Introduction à l'ethnologie et à l'anthropologie, Nathan Université, Paris, 1996.

P.P. GOSSIAUX, Anthropologie culturelle, notes de cours, 1994/1995

M. D'HERTEFELT, Anthropologie culturelle, Ulg, 1984.

E.T. HALL, La dimension cachée, coll.Points, 1971.

F. LAPLANTINE, La description ethnographique, Nathan Université, Paris 1996.

F. LAPLANTINE, L'anthropologie, Seghers, Payot, 1985.

B. MALINOWSKI,Les Argonautes du Pacifique occidental, Paris, Gallimard,1963.

M. MEAD,Une éducation en Nouvelle-Guinée, Paris, Payot,1973.

M. MORGAN, Message des hommes vrais, J'ai lu, 1994.

G. TILLION, Le harem et les cousins, coll. Points, 1966.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsOral examinations

General psychology

ECTS Credits7
Number of Hours (h/year)90
Teaching staffRESPENTINO, Brigitte
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

To master the French language

Aims and Objectives

To make the students sensitive to the various stages in scientific psychology and familiar with the great areas and approaches to psychology


historical background, definition and object of psychology ; the study of psychology discipline and related sciences

Main thematics in psychology

Motivations, Emotions, Learning, Memory, Perception, Intelligence, Personality

Various theoretical trends in psychology

Biological approach, Psychoanalysis, Behaviourism, Cognitivism, Systemic and humanistic trends..


ATKINSON, Introduction à la psychologie, Editions études vivantes ? 1987

DORON Roland et PAROT Françoise, Dictionnaire de Psychologie, PUF, 1998

GODEFROID Jo, Les chemins de la psychologie, Pierre Mardaga, 1987

HUFFMAN, K. et VERNOY M., Psychologie en direct, Modulo Editeur, Québec, 1995

LAROUSSE , Grand dictionnaire de la psychologie, 1994

LIEURY A., Manuel de psychologie générale, Dunod,1990

MOREL M., ABC de la psychologie et de la psychanalyse, France Loisirs, 1995

PAROT Françoise et RICHELLE Marc, Introduction à la psychologie : histoire et méthodes, PUF, 1994

REUCHLIN M., Histoire de la psychologie, Collection « Que sais-je ? n° 732 » ? P.U.F, 1989

TAVRIS, C. et WADE, C., Introduction à la psychologie, Ed. De Boeck Université, 1999

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

Use of audiovisual media, pedagogy of debate and questioning.

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
Continuous assessment

Experimental psychology

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffFRYNS, André
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1


Aims and Objectives
  • To implement a type of observation according to the required objective
  • To identify the variables of an experimental situation
  • To formulate assumptions, to validate them and propose others of them
  • To describe a method to isolate the variables and to evaluate them
  • To establish a coherent experimental plan and to justify its step
  • To precisely describe the various stages of an experiment
  • To develop the critical spirit and the precision in the formulation
  • Basic concepts in Psychology
  • Origin of the scientific and experimental step
  • Description of the scientific and logical method
  • Analysis of the experimental steps
  1. Observation
  2. Assumptions
  3. Variables
  4. Measurements
  5. Research plans
  6. Results included some basic statistical indices
  7. Models
  • Experimental approach in cognitive and behavioral psychology
  • Quasi-experimental approach in psychopedagogy
  • Ethical considerations

Robert,M.(1988). Recherche scientifique en Psychologie. Ed.Edisem.

Richelle,M. & al. (1994) Traité de Psychologie Expérimentale. PUF.

Richelle,M.(1972).Le conditionnement opérant. Delachaux et Niestlé.

Lemaire;P. (1997). Psychologie cognitive.De Boeck.

Skinner,B.(1971).L’analyse expérimentale du comportement. Mardaga.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

Theory is illustrated by concrete experiments

Students are brought to imagine experiments from theoretical concepts

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Developmental psychology

ECTS Credits4
Number of Hours (h/year)60
Teaching staffHUMBLET, Frédéric; MARQUES, Manuela; MEAN, Carole; RESPENTINO, Brigitte
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Command of the French language

Aims and Objectives

To prepare the students to the psychological evolution of the human being.

To describe the main stages of the psychomotor, emotional, cognitive, social and linguistic development from birth to adulthood

To enable the student to use these theoretical notions to analyze and solve a particular situation


Development factors and characteristics

Child desire, intra-uterine life, birth and babies’ abilities, mother / child relationship

Child development (0 to 2 years)

Child development (3 to 6 years)

Child development (6 to 12 years)



Psychogerontology, terminal care

Bereavement, death


H. BEE - Psychologie du développement.

Ed. De Boeck Université, 1997.

R. DELDIME, S. VERMEULEN - Le développement psychologique de l'enfant. Ed. De Boeck, 1996.

B. GOLSE : Le développement affectif et intellectuel de l'enfant. Ed. Masson, 1991.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Social psychology

ECTS Credits4
Number of Hours (h/year)60
Teaching staffFRYNS, André
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

On completion of the course, the student will be able to

- Define the specificity of social psychology

- Define and illustrate the main concepts studied

- Use these concepts to analyze a concrete case

- Propose adequate strategies to solve a problem


Part 1: general frame

- the aim of social psychology

- the methods of psychology

- social psychology theories

- historical landmarks

- ethical issues encountered in social psychology

Part 2: Analysis of some issues in social psychology

- intra-individual level

- interpersonal and intra-group levels

- intergroup level


Leyens, J.-P. et Yzerbyt, V. (1997). La psychologie sociale. Sprimont, Mardaga.

Bromberg,M & al. (2006). Psychologie sociale. PUF.

Bouchet,J. (1996). Psychologie sociale. Lexifac psychologie, ed.Réal

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

Evaluation of some practical exercises

Principal weight of quotation during the examinations of January (share 1) and June (part2)

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations


ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffBENEDETTI, Barbara
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1


Aims and Objectives

Acquire the legal knowledge necessary to be citizens with a critical mind and to become efficient professionals


Introduction to law through its function

Belgian public law institutions

Differences between civil law and criminal law

Notions in civil law

Contract studies


Manuel de droit public, Ariane MARICQ et Jérome SOHIER, Editions Labor.

Manuel de droit civil, Les personnes, 2° édition revue et corrigée par Marie France DUBUFFET, Editions Labor .

Manuel de droit civil, Le patrimoine, 3° édition revue et corrigée par Marie France DUBUFFET,Editions Labor

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
NotesIn part

Test methodology

ECTS Credits3
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffCOLLARD, Marie-Anne; RESPENTINO, Brigitte
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1

Command of the mother tongue

Aims and Objectives

To prepare the students to various test approaches.

On completion of the course, the student will be able to

- describe the main characteristics and qualities of a test

- interpret simple indicators (IQ, mental age)

- be aware of the limitations and usefulness of tests



Historic, application domains

Limits and interests of tests

Quantitative aspects of tests

Qualitative aspects of tests

Different phases of psychological examination


BERNAUD J.-L., Les méthodes d’évaluation de la personnalité, Dunod, collection « Les topos », Paris, 1998.

GUILLEVIC C. & VAUTIER S., Diagnostic et tests psychologiques, Nathan, collection 128, Paris, 1998

LIEF J. & al., Psychologie et éducation/ Notions de psychométrie, tome III, Nathan, Paris, 1968

MUCCHIELLI R., L’examen psychotechnique, ESF, 1969

PICHOT P., Les tests mentaux, P.U.F, Collection « Que sais-je ? », Paris, 1997

PLANCHARD E., Théorie et pratiques des tests, Editions Nauwelaerts, 1972

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
Continuous assessment


ECTS Credits6
Number of Hours (h/year)60
Teaching staffCOLLARD, Marie-Anne; FRYNS, André; LAMBERT, Valérie; MEAN, Carole
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 2


Aims and Objectives

To awaken and develop the professional skills by applying the theories studied during the field placement.


The placement is 2 weeks long.

The student finds the placement places and makes the preliminary contacts.

Once the placement is defined, an appointment is made with the external supervisor. The student is given a “term-and-condition workbook” containing:

- legal and general information about the psychology assistant curriculum ;

- a contract signed by all the parties and presented in due time ;

- an assessment grid to be filled in by the external supervisor.


The teaching project of the institution where the trainee is accomodated. Legislative texts concerning the sector chosen, of theoretical research on the situations met on the place of training course,...

Teaching and Learning Methods

Two collective supervisions are organized within the High School by the internal supervisor.

The student is framed by the Master of training course of the institution.

Assessment MethodsPlacements

The evaluation of the Master of training course is defined according to a grid available in the notebook of training course. Its opinion is advisory and is supplemented by that of the internal supervisor.

This total note takes into account:

- the attitude of the student in training course and during the supervisions ;

- a report/ratio of training course of 20 maximum pages is required, it must include a presentation of the service and activities undertaken, a total assessment of the trainings that the training course made it possible to realize and a critical analysis of its own behavior (feelings compared to the training course, difficulties, personal reflexion,...) ;

- a meeting between the internal supervisor and the student in order to clear up and/or look further into aspects of the report of training course which require it.



ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffALBA, Maria
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1


Aims and Objectives

- Define and illustrate the main concepts of the course

- Explain the implicit values of a given model or educational practice

- Analyze the methodological approach of a learning session and foresee the likely results

- Link any educational practice to underlying learning theories


- Definitions

- Educational relativity

- Analysis of a few pedagogical trends

- Pedagogical methods

- assessment


BOURDIEU P. et PASSERON J.C.( 1970). La Reproduction. Paris. Ed. de Minuit.

CHALVIN D. (1996). Encyclopédie des pédagogies de formation.( 2 tomes). Paris. ESF.

CLAUSSE A. ( 1972).Philosophie et méthodologie d’un enseignement rénové. Liège. Thone.

CLAUSSE A. (1975). La Relativité éducationnelle. Bruxelles-Paris. Labor-Nathan.

CLAUSSE A.(1983). Evolution des doctrines et des méthodes pédagogiques. Du conditionnement à la liberté. Fribourg. éditions Universitaires de Fribourg.

DE LANDSHEERE G. ( 1974). Evaluation continue et examens. Précis de docimologie. Bruxelles-Paris. Labor-Nathan.…

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

Structured exercises, written documents, audio-visual recording

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
NotesIn part


ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffCorswarem, Julie
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 2

Level of secondary education (senior high school).

Good command of French essential.

Aims and Objectives

Students will be able to :

- be aware of the unavoidable impact of socialization on individual's construction and on the social organization

- understand the social and cultural structure's influence

- distinguish the theoretical approach of the social sector from the practical approach

- relativize the scientific aspect of sociology

- distinguish basic sociological paradigms

- define, understand, distinguish and make best use of the basic sociological notions.


The place of sociology among other sciences

The socio-cultural reality

Social dynamics

Various notions from various researches

Current events


Partial bibliography:

DORTIER J.-F., Les Sciences humaines. Panorama des connaissances, Ed. Sciences humaines, 1998

DE COSTER M., Introduction à la Sociologie,De Boeck Université,6ième édition 2006.

DUBET F;, Pour une conception dialogique de l'individu, EspacesTemps.net, Textuel, 21.06.2005 http://espacestemps.net/document1438.html

RIGAUX N.,Introduction sociologique par 7 auteurs.Ouvertures sociologiques De Boeck O4-2008.

VANCAMPENHOUDT L., Introduction à l'analyse des phénomènes sociaux, Dunod, Paris, 2001

Complete bibliography will be available into the notes.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

Active attendace is recommanded

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
NotesIn part

The information contained herein is intended for informational purposes only. The Higher Education Institution disclaims any responsibility with regard to its content.