1st Specialization in Oncology

Principles of nursing care as regards medical treatments

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ECTS Credits4
Number of Hours (h/year)45
Teaching staffHALLET, Nadia
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Medical nursing care ( 2nd and 3rd years) + pharmacology + solid tumors and hematology (4th Oncology).

Aims and Objectives

To deal globally with patient ( as well at the technical, physical, spiritual, psychological or social level), treated by chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and/or hormonotherapy.

To react correctly when faced to patients in remission, in relapse or cured.

The student will be made sensitive to the approach of the cancer children as some treatments require a hospitalization in the services of adults.



Prerequisite and specific additional to the following care :

· Hemoculture

· Bloodletting

· Marrow puncture and marrow biopsy puncture

· Blood taking away by central way

· Blood transfusion


The care in sterile unit.

The care in daily hospital



The unit of rehabilitation

Announcement of the diagnosis, cure, remission, relapse: nursing role

· Nursing care in pediatry ( cancer children)

· The patient with hemopathy, osseous metastases, abdominal metastases, cerebral metastases, cancer of otorhinolaryngology sphere

Nursing diagnoses : tiredness, ineffective assumption of responsability of the therapeutic program, feeling of powerlessness, compromised strategies of ineffective family adaptation, loss of hope, non constructive refusal.


MAROLLA M., GUERIN R., Oncologie et soins infirmiers, Lamarre, 1996.

Guide pour l’administration et la surveillance de la chimiothérapie cytotoxique, Centre REGAUD C., Toulouse.

ZELEK L., KHAYAT D., Guide pratique de cancérologie, Médiguides, 1994.

DALY-SCHVEITZER, Cancérologie clinique, Masson, 1998.

LEBEER G., L’épreuve du cancer, sociologie d’une éthique au quotidien, L’université de Bruxelles, 1998.

GORIN, PHILIP, SYMANN, Manuel pratique d’hémato - oncologie et de chimiothérapie, Frison – Roche, 1998.

HOERNI B., MORTUREUX A., KANTOR G., Nouveaux cahiers de l'infirmière, Cancérologie, Hémopathies, Masson, 2007

VARET B., Le livre de l'interne, Hématologie, Médecine-Sciences, Flammarion, 2007

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

Exposed clinical cases and visits

Assessment MethodsOral examinations

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