3rd Bachelor in Speech Therapy

Disorders of articulation and word, oral and written language

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ECTS Credits3
Number of Hours (h/year)45
Teaching staffDECHARNEUX, Caroline
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

General linguistics, neurolinguistic, cognitive neuropsychology

Aims and Objectives

To consider the current theoretical models in order to understand, assess and rehabilitate the linguistic and cognitive disorders occurring after a brain injury. To master the basic concepts in neurology allowing a constructive interaction with the neurologists


Concepts of neurology: brain anatomy, major cerebral functions, consequences of brain injuries, major neurological pathologies, neuroimaging techniques.

Aphasia (classification, description).

A model of cognitive architecture: the model of Lesser

Acquired disorders of the oral language: lexical and semantic disorders, anomia, segmental disorder, syntax disorders, discursive disorders.

Acquired disorders of the written language: acquired dyslexia, acquired dysorthography.





AUBIN, G., BELIN, C., DAVID, D. et de PARTZ, M.P. Actualités en pathologie du langage et de la communication. Solal Editeur, Collection neuropsychologie, Marseille, 2001.

SIGNORET, Jean-Louis, EUSTACHE, Francis et LECHEVALIER, Bernard. Séminaire Langage et aphasie. De Boek Université, Collection Questions de personne, Paris, Bruxelles, 1993.

  • Les approches thérapeutiques en orthophonie : tome 4 Prise en charge orthophonique des pathologies d'origine neurologique. T. Rousseau Ortho édition

  • Production verbale de mots : approche cognitive. P. Bonin. Ed de boeck, 2003

  • Actualités en pathologie du langage et de la communication. Aubin, Belin, David, de Partz. Ed Solal, 2001.

  • La rééducation en neuropsychologie : étude de cas. Azouvi, Perrier, Van der Linden. Ed Solal, 2003

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

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