2nd Bachelor in Speech Therapy


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ECTS Credits1
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staffCARLIER, François
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Descriptive data analysis

Basis of inference statistics

Aims and Objectives

In this continuation of the course, we want to make sensitive the students in the inadequacy of the parametric procedures for small-sized or non Gaussian samples.

Nonparametric procedures define alternative methods.

Dependence between to variables will be also approached.


Nonparametric procedures for comparison

✘    Mann-Whitney's test

✘    Wilcoxon's and Friedman's test

Correlation and regression

✘    PEARSON and SPEARMAN's coefficient

✘    KENDALL's concordance test

✘    COHEN's coefficient

  1. Sheskin, D. Handbook of Parametric and Nonparametric Statistical Procedures, Edt. Chapman & Hall/CRC (fourth edition)
  2. Dagnelie, P.  Statistique Théorique et Appliquée 1 et 2, Edt. de Boeck 2006
  3. Valleron, A.-J. Abrégés. Statistique et probabilité, Edt. Masson, Paris 2001
  4. D'Hainaut, L. Concepts et méthodes de la statistique, Edt. Labor, Bruxelles et Nathan, Paris 1975
  5. Mercier, M. Biostatistique et Probabilités, Edt. Ellipses, 1996
  6. Wonnacott T.H., Wonnacott R.J. Statistique, Edt. Economica, Paris, 1998
  7. Bénazeth S., Boniface M., Demarquilly C., Lasserre V., Lemdani M. et  Nicolis I. Biomathématiques, Edt Masson, Paris 2004
Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

Lectures and exercises of application with corrections and discussions.

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

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