1st Bachelor in Medical Biology -

Histology laboratory

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ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffLENTZ, Gerda
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Course of histology, cytology

Aims and Objectives

To have a thorough knowledge of the microscopic observations. To develop the sense of observation, the scientific exactness and accuracy. To be able to apply the theoretical knowledge for the identification of tissues and organs observed by means of an accurate scientific approach.


Epithelial tissues: covering epithelial membranes and glandular epithelia.

Connective tissues: cell types, fiber types, matrix; types of connective tissues (loose connective tissue and adipose tissue, dense connective tissue, reticular connective tissue, cartilage, bone and development of bone).

Nervous tissues: nerve cells; glial cells; structure of nerve and ganglion; white matter and grey matter.

Muscular tissues: smooth muscle, skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle.

Blood: formed elements of the blood (erythrocytes, leukocytes, thrombocytes).

The blood vessels and lymphatic vessels.

The skin: epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue; sweet glands and sebaceous glands.

The respiratory system: larynx, trachea, bronchial tree.

The gonads: testis and spermatogenesis; ovary, ovogenesis and development of ovarian follicles.


GARTNER L.P. et WATT J. L., Atlas d'histologie, Ed. De Boeck Université, last edition

KOHNEL W., Atlas de poche d'histologie, Flammarion Médecine-Sciences, Paris, last edition

STEVENS A. et LOWE J., Histologie humaine, Ed. De Boeck Université, last edition

WEATHER, YOUNG, HEATH, Histologie fonctionnelle, 4e éd., Ed. De Boeck Université, last edition

Teaching and Learning MethodsTutorials
Assessment MethodsProjects or practical work
Continuous assessment

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