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2nd Bachelor in Occupational Therapy

 ECTS CreditsNumber of Hours (h/year)
Analyse et évaluation des occupations humaines au travers de l'activité groupale sur le plan collectif
Paedagogics and adapted sports for handicapped persons
Technology of housing

Design and realization of splints and technical aids: theoretical aspects and applications

ECTS Credits3
Number of Hours (h/year)60
Teaching staffDENOEL, Nicole; JOB, Béatrice; LACROIX, Nathalie
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Upper member structural and functional anatomy

Movements analysis : the upper member biomechanical

Physics : strengths and levers

The upper member rhumatology, traumatology and neurology

Movement physiology

Aims and Objectives

To understand the way to design a splint

To do the best choice

Understand the technical and design and the funding legal systems

Assess how technical aids can be used therapeutically to increase participation or satisfaction with participation


Splints :

· Splints general design

· Splinting materials studying

· Technical tips

Technical aids :

· Technical aids design, general principles

· Finding legal systems

Practical applications


André J-M., Atlas pratique des orthèses de la main, Springer, 1994.

VanLede P et Vanveldhoven G, Les orthèses thérapeutiques de la main : une approche rationnelle, Provan buba, 1998..

Décret du gouvernement Wallon du 6 avril 1995 relatif à l’intégration des personnes handicapées

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
Oral examinations
Projects or practical work
Continuous assessment

Therapeutic application of activities

ECTS Credits4
Number of Hours (h/year)65
Teaching staffDENOEL, Nicole; JOB, Béatrice
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Neuromotor evolution of the child from 0 to 12 months.

Knowledge of the nervous system and of the archaic reflexes.

Aims and Objectives

To know the requirements of the activities (analytical, artisanal, artistic, intellectual, ludic, entertaining, sociotherapeutic) and to analyse their effects on the human functions.

To carry out coherent bonds between the choice a activity and a dysfunction respect of the principle of agreement.

To understand the base of intervention ergotherapic in the various fields treated while referring with the process of occupational therapy.

To initiate to the different neuromuscular rehabilitation techniques for the taking in charge of cerebro wrong patients wronged by occupational therapists


(A) Therapeutic applications :

  • Axis of action of occupational therapy.
  • Intervention fields of occupational therapy.
  • Intervention process of occupational therapy.
  • Preliminary steps with the setting over a activity.
  • Activities analysis ( after experimentation)
    • Analytical
    • Artisanal and artistic
    • Intellectual
    • Play
    • Socio-therapeutic

Activities and dysfunctions

(B) initiation to method of rehabilitation of the hemiplegic according to Bobath.

Rehabilitation of the hemiplegic according to Perfetti.

Rehabilitation of the I.M.C. according to Le Métayer.


MEYER S., Le processus de l’ergothérapie, EEFP, Lausanne, 1990.

Bobath B., Hémiplégie de l’adulte. Bilan et traitement, Masson, 1984

Eggers O., Traitement de l’adulte hémiplégique en ergothérapie par la méthode de Bobath. Springer, 1988

Le Métayer M., Rééducation cérébro-motrice du jeune enfant : Education thérapeutique, Masson., Paris, 1993

PicarD Y., Le guiet, Rabasse Y., Rééducation sentivomotrice, Technique de Perfetti., Encyclopédie médico-chirurgicale (Elsevier, Paris) 26-060-D10, 1996

PicarD Y., Rabasse Y. et LIon, Rééducation sensitivomotrice du membre supérieur chez l’hémiplégique , Rééducation 85, Expansion Scientifique Française, Paris, 1985.

PicarD Y., Rabasse Y., Rééducation du membre supérieur de l’hémiplégique. Journal d’ergothérapie, Masson. Paris, 1986, 69-87.

Tardieu G., Le dossier clinique de l’I.M.C., juin, 1984.

Teaching and Learning Methods

Lectures and practical activity

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
Continuous assessment
NotesIn part

Psychology,pedagogy, general and clinical psycho-pedagogy

ECTS Credits1
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staffTHOMAS, Aurore
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

course of psychology (1st year)

Aims and Objectives

Identify the favourable elements to the patient's progress in having a psychological autonomy.

Build with the patient a relationship of help and of partnership.

To place oneself as a future therapist in the relationship between the patient, the therapist (occupational) the team and institutional context.


Pedagogical psychology

  • Learning
    • Conditioned response
    • Imitation

Communication basis

  • System
  • Retroaction
  • Changing
  • Axioms of communication

Therapeutic relation

  • Resilience
  • Partnership
  • Psychologics components of therapeutic relation
  • Cases analyses
  • CUNGI C. (2006). L'alliance thérapeutique. Paris : Retz
  • GUILLIERON E. (2004). Le premier entretien en psychothérapie. Paris : Dunod
  • MILLER W. & ROLLNICK S. (2006). L'entretien motivationnel. Paris : Dunod
  • WATZLAWICK P. (1981). Une logique de la communication. Paris : Seuil
  • WATZLAWICK P. (1981). Changements. Paris : Seuil
  • WESTEN D. (2000). Psychologie. Pensée, cerveau et culture. Bruxelles : De Boeck


Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

Lectures, analysis of written and audiovisual documents

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Psychology, pedagogy, neuropsychology

ECTS Credits1
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staffTHOMAS, Aurore
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Basic knowledge of anatomy and neurology.Notions of psychology (course of 1st year)

Aims and Objectives

Approach the different fields of human cognition.Use a specific vocabulary (cognitive psychology, neuro-sciences, neuro-anatomy).

Describe the functioning of some specific cognitive systems and their implications in everyday life in particular when the patients taken care of by occupational therapist have defects (specific reorientation accordinng the problem).

Define suitable therapeutical strategies for the patient and the family.




  • Cognitive sciences
  • Cognitive psychology 
  • Cognitive neuro-psychology


Cognitive development and cognition in everyday activities


  • sensorimotor stage
  • pre-operations stage
  • concrete operations stage
  • formal operations stage


Cognitive functions


  • Language
  • Memory
  • Attention
  • Executive functions


Neuro-psychology evaluation


  • Tools
  • Presentation of an evaluation scale
  • Presentation of clinical situations
  • Rehabilitation
  • Occupational therapist's part




  • Bee, H. & Boyd, D. (2003). Psychologie du développement. Les âges de la vie. 2ème édition. Bruxelles : De Boeck
  • Kemp, S. ; Kirk, U. & Korkman, M. (2003) NEPSY Bilan neuropsychologique de l’enfant (traduction française). Condé-Sur-Noireau : ECPA
  • Lieury, A. (1993). Manuel de psychologie générale. Paris : Dunod
  • Rondal, J.A. Ouvrage collectif (1999). Introduction à la psychologie scientifique. Bruxelles : Editions Labor
  • Seron, X. (2002). La neuropsychologie cognitive. Paris PUF, coll. « Que Sais-Je ? »
  • Thibaut, J.P. & Rondal, J.A. (1996). Psychologie de l’enfant et de l’adolescent. Tournai : Editions Labor
  • Vanderlinden, M. (2000). Neuropsychologie cognitive. Liège : Editions FAPSE ULg
  • WESTEN D. (2000). Psychologie. Pensée, cerveau et culture. Bruxelles : De Boeck
Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

Lectures, discussion around clinical situations

Presentation of evaluation scales

Exploitation of experiences during training courses

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Methodology of research

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staffde SAINTGEORGES, Catherine
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

To be able to undertake a research from A to Z.

To be able to highlight qualities and shortcomings of a scientific research, in particular in the domain of the occupational therapy.


Stages of the scientific approach

The question of departure

The exploratory work

The development of hypotheses

The compilation and the analysis of information – The quantitative investigation

The compilation and the analysis of information – The qualitative investigation


QUIVY R. et VAN CAMPENHOUDT L., Manuel de recherche en sciences sociales, Paris, Dunod, 1995.

BERTHIER N., Les techniques d'enquête, Paris, Colin, 1998.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Analyzes and evaluation of the human occupations on the individual level

ECTS Credits1
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staffDE WERGIFOSSE, Michèle
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Courses of Methodology and Didactic of the occupational therapy

Aims and Objectives

To improve integration of the theoretical concepts of the model of the human occupation (MOHO) in order to facilitate its application in clinical medium

To know and try out  clinical tools developed with the MOHO to integrate them into the clinical practice of the every day

To reinforce the clinical reasoning and the convincing data on the effectiveness of the interventions associated with the therapeutic properties with the human activity, privileged tool of the occupational therapists


Ideal model and its concepts

Tools for evaluation validaded in French who rises from the model

Therapeutic strategies according to the MOHO


Keilhofner Gary, Model of Human Occupation, théorie et apllication MOH, 4ème éd., 2008

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Scientific English

ECTS Credits1
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staffLouwette, Amélie
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Preferably a sound knowledge of English

Aims and Objectives

The aim of this course is to teach students to read, understand, interpret and translate technical and scientific texts dealing with occupational therapy (intermediate level).

Another objective is to get the students to read scientific journals in English so that they can find other sources of information than those in their mother tongue.

Students will also be taught to understand an English speaker.


While reading, the students are progressively taught the differences in comparative stylistics so that they avoid translating too literally.

Even though it is a passive course, pronunciation mistakes will be corrected.


Technical and scientific texts related to occupational therapy

Specialized websites

Gladstone, Dictionnaire des sciences médicales et paramédicales

Garnier-Delamare, Dictionnaire des termes techniques de médecine

R. Murphy, Essential Grammar in Use, CUP, 3d Edition 2007



www.howjsay.com (check pronunciation)


Teaching and Learning MethodsTutorials

Reading comprehension, listening comprehension, translation and scientific vocabulary exercises.


Assessment MethodsOral examinations
Continuous assessment

Oral Exam: 50% Continuous assessment: 50%


Clinical teaching, placements

ECTS Credits9
Number of Hours (h/year)270
Teaching staffBassain, Fatima; Costy, Julie; de SAINTGEORGES, Catherine; DENOEL, Nicole; DURY, Fabienne; Gobin, Manon; Houbiers, Marielle; JOB, Béatrice; LACROIX, Nathalie; MAUHIN, Joelle; MORMONT, Josiane; Pirson, Valérie; Viaene, Marie
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

To have integrated the practical and theoretical notions taught the first school year

Aims and Objectives

To become familiar with the functioning of the service and the types of patient it welcomes

To show integration attitude

To balance learning attitude and collaboration

To develop the way to observe the patients

To develop the estimation manner

To define a therapeutic intervention and put into practice

To show research spirit


At the end of the second school year, the student will have followed at least 270 hours among a total of at least 1005 hours spread as follows:

· According to the failure types:

o At least 150 h will be dedicated to failures linked with development structure troubles and sense organs

o At least 200 h dedicated to failures linked with locomotion and neuro-locomotion

o At least 150 h dedicated to failures linked with neuropsychology

o At least 200 h dedicated to failures linked with affectivity and behaviour

The rest of the hours to do will be chosen by the student in accordance with the school

It can contain partially or totally supplement about the failures listed underneath

· According to the age classification:

o 150 hours at least for children and teenagers;

o 250 hours at least for adults under 65 years elderly ;

300 hours at least for adults over 65 years elderly.

Teaching and Learning MethodsProject or fieldwork

Practical applications and cases discussions.

Assessment MethodsContinuous assessment

written reports


Methodology and didactics of occupational therapy applied to motors, neuromotors, sensorials and development dysfunctions

ECTS Credits6
Number of Hours (h/year)75
Teaching staffde SAINTGEORGES, Catherine; DENOEL, Nicole; Viaene, Marie
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Study of occupational therapy methodologies ( 1st year)

Essential knowledge about anatomy, physiology and pathology: motor, neuromotor, sensorial systems

Aims and Objectives

To understand the occupational therapy process for these dysfunctions.


Knowledge about an occupational therapy process and skills in implementing it including:

· Screening the need for occupational therapy

· Assessment of occupational needs

· Collaborating with the recipient(s) to define their occupational need(s) and goal(s)

· Choosing and planning relevant occupational intervention to promote health and well being

Evaluating the outcome of intervention


DELAVA J. et al. Neurologie centrale chez l’adulte et réadaptation. Dossiers en kinésithérapie, 3ème éd., Masson, Paris, 1996.

Duchesne L., Mussen M., La réadaptation fonctionnelle du paraplégique, Grande librairie de la faculté, Bruxelles, 1984.

Eggers O., Traitement de l’adulte hémiplégique en ergothérapie par la méthode Bobath, Springer, Paris, 1988.

Morel - Bracq M.Ch., Les modèles conceptuels en ergothérapie, Expériences en ergothérapie, 11ème série, Sauramps, Montpellier, 1998.

MAZEAU M., Déficits visuospatiaux et dyspraxies de l’enfant. Du trouble à la rééducation. Coll. Bois Larris, Masson 1995.

Minaire P. Paraplégie et tétraplégie, Masson, Paris, 1979.

Seve- Ferrieu N., Neuropsychologie corporelle, visuelle et gestuelle, Masson, Paris, 1995.

Trombly C., Occupational Thérapy for Physical Dysfonction, 3ème édition, Williams et Wilkins, Baltimore, 1989.

Expériences en ergothérapie, rencontres en rééducation, Masson.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Techniques of reeducation and readaptation

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffDUBUISSON, Marie-Anne; LEMARCHAND, Isabelle
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Neuromotor evolution of the child from 0 to 12 months.

Knowledge of the nervous system  and of the archaic reflexes.


Aims and Objectives

Capacity to put in evidence the unrests neuromotors met at a patient and to orient the rehabilitation according to the balance. 


Rehabilitation of the hemiplegic according to Bobath and Picard.

Rehabilitation of the I.M.C. according to Le Métayer.


Bobath B., Hémiplégie de l'adulte. Bilans et traitement, Masson, 1984.

Eggers O., Traitement de l'adulte hémiplégiqueen ergothérapie par la méthode de Bobath. Springer, 1988.

Le Métayer M., Rééducation cérébro-motrice du jeune enfant: Education thérapeutique, Masson, Paris, 1993.

Picard Y., Rééducation du membre supérieur de l'hémiplégique . Journal d'ergothérapie, 1986.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
Oral examinations

Applied computer science

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staffCARLIER, François
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

To initiate to various programs used by occupational therapists.

To know how to use the computers and the softwares appropriate.


The word processing OpenOffice Writer

Theory about use of the computing

Application to occupational therapy:

  • Adaptation of computing
  • Softwares appropriate: paediztry, neuropsychology, AVJ...

SweetHome 3D : To modify house's plans


Werverka P. Word 2003 pour les nuls, Edt. First Interactive, Paris 2004

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsOral examinations
Projects or practical work
NotesIn part

Study, analysis and evaluation of the functioning of the individual within their framework of personal, professional life

ECTS Credits1
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staffWILLEMS, Michel
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

To study, analyse and evaluate environmental conditions acting on the individual within their life environment.


Application of the theory (course of the first year) with few examples of dysfunction


ASSOCIATION DES PARALYSES DE FRANCE, L’accompagnement des personnes handicapées motrices, 2000.

GROSBOIS L.P.. Handicap et construction.

Lucas P. & Stehman M., Le blessé médullaire : expertise du dommage corporel, Collection médico-légale, 1990.

Guide de la personne handicapée. Ministère des Affaires Sociales, de la Santé Publique et de l'Environnement.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Etude, analyse et évaluation du fonctionnement de l'individu dans son cadre de vie scolaire

ECTS Credits1
Number of Hours (h/year)10
Teaching staffde SAINTGEORGES, Catherine
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

1) Improve knowledge of : 

- Legislation on academic integration and disability 

- Special education organisation

2) Think critically on methodological approach required to meet the student with learning disabilities needs


- Introduction to Special Education / Legislative frame

- Special Education (organised by French Community)

- Framework and Organization

- Academic integration of young disabled students in specialized and common environment

- The multidisciplinary team and occupational therapist function in schools

- Applied methodologies in several special education settings

- Educational project in specialized environment; individualized educational project

  • B.L. BAKER, A.J. BRIGHTMAN et al., L'autonomie pas à pas - Enseigner les compétences quotidiennes aux enfants qui ont des difficultés d'apprentissage, Mouans Sartoux, AFD Editions, 2008, 2ème édition.
  • Organisation Mondiale de la Santé, CIF-Classification internationale du fonctionnement, du handicap et de la Santé- Version pour enfants et adolescents, Paris, Edition CTNERHI, 2008
  • M. HURTIG, J.-A. RONDAL et al., Introduction à la psychologie de l'enfant, Tome 1-2-3, Liège, Pierre Mardaga éditeur, 1994, 5ème édition.
  • N. MONTREUIL, G. MAGEROTTE, Pratique de l'intervention individualisée, Bruxelles, Editions De Boeck, 2008, 1ère édition, 6e tirage.  
Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
NotesIn part

Etude,analyse et évaluation du fonctionnement de l'individu dans son cadre de vie professionnel

ECTS Credits1
Number of Hours (h/year)10
Teaching staffde SAINTGEORGES, Catherine
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

First year lessons on: "Studies, analysis and evaluation of one's functioning in his personal, professional and leisure occupations" 

Aims and Objectives

To have a precise overview on professional integration and disabilities

The student will be able to:

- know the legislation on professional integration and disabilities

-identify  the employer's social reprentations towards handicaped employees

-idntify the handicapped employees' social representations

-know all different assistances proposed regarding professional integration

-analyse the professional integration's success and failure factors

-analyse the occupational therapist's fonctions

- explain  and apply the "ESAP" process

-evaluate one's situation regarding his disability and propose a specific assistance 


Introduction and legislation

Employment difficulties in the commun professional environment

Employment assistances proposed by "AWIPH"

Professional reintegration

Occupational therapeutic process


  •  J.-P. Binamé, Responsabiliser les employeurs? Opportunité et faisabilité en Belgique d’un dispositif pour l’emploi des personnes handicapées en entreprises privées, avec le soutien financier du Ministre des Affaires sociales et de la Santé de la Région wallonne, Rapport final, Mars 2004, p.349.
  •  M. Mercier et G. Bazier, Représentations sociales du handicap et de la mise au travail des personnes handicapées, chapitre 13, in Manuel de psychologie des handicaps- Sémiologie et principes de remédiation, sous la direction de J.-A. RONDAL et A. COMBLAIN, édition Mardaga, 2001, Liège (Belgique), p. 511-532.
  •  C. Pernet, D. Savard, Travailleurs handicapés en milieu ordinaire - Des outils pour mieux les accompagner, Collection Trames, Toulouse, Editions érès, 2009, 276p.
  •  P. Villers1, P. Castelein2, Ch. Bauwin3, E. Bouffioulx4, F. Cornillie5, Evaluation Systémique des Aptitudes Professionnelles - E S A P  © - Pour un projet de réinsertion professionnelle individualisé, Expériences en Ergothérapie, 15ème série, La Grande Motte, 3 et 4 octobre 2002, 21p.   
  • Espace documentaire de l'Agence Wallonne pour l'Intégration des Personnes Handicapées http://www.awiph.be 




Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
NotesIn part

Geriatrics and gerontology

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffPONCELET, Muriel
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Basic knowledge in pathology, anatomy and physiology.

Aims and Objectives

To allow the future occupational therapist to get familiar with the access of elderly people and to know the implications of geriatric pathologies


Demography and biology of ageing

Social aspects

Structures of care

The geriatric patient

· The concept of brittleness

· Procedures of geriatric evaluation of the patient

Great syndromes:

· Cerebral vascular accidents

· Insanities/confusion

Disorders of walk and balance


Respiratory cardiac pathologies

Osteoarthritis and arthritis

Sensory disorders




The situation of end of lifetime/ euthanasia

Ill-treatment/patient's rights


Trivalle C., Gérontologie préventive : éléments de prévention du vieillissement pathologique, Masson, 1992.

Médecine gériatrique : Pratique quotidienne, 2ème édition, Masson, 2002.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Analysis of movements

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffEVRARD, Frédéric
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Courses of Physics, Anatomy and Biomechanics of 1st year.

Aims and Objectives

To be able to analyse the mechanical systems as well in an analytical way total in statics and dynamics. On the basis of this mechanics, the student will have to understand the mobilizations which they will have to carry out on the patient and to analyse the pathomecanic one.


Biomechanical review: structures interested in the movement, (muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, the bone tissue).

Segmentary analysis of the movement

· Upper limb, lower limb

Analyse functional, mainly the gestural one of the upper limb.


ALLARD P., BLANCH J.P., Analyse du mouvement humain par la biomécanique, Décarie, Ville Mont-Royal, 1996.

BOUISSET S., Biomécanqiue et physiologie du mouvement, Masson, Paris, 2002.

HARRISON T.R., Principes de médecine interne, Flammarion, Paris, 1993.

KAHLE W., LEONHARDT H., PLATZER W., Anatomie, Flammarion, Paris, 1996.

Kapandji, I..A., Physiologie articulaire, tome 1, 2 et 3, Maloine, Paris, 1996.

Pélissier, J., BRUN V., La marche humaine et sa pathologie, Masson, Paris, 1994.

Viel, E., La marche humaine, Masson, Paris, 2000.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Systematic and topographic anatomy

ECTS Credits4
Number of Hours (h/year)45
Teaching staffPRYGIEL, Olivier
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

1st year course in anatomy

Aims and Objectives

To describe the senses and their working.

To describe some systems of the body.

The general objective is to get anatomy knowledge to understand the body working and finally to act knowingly on the patient. 





Anatomy of the heart and study of the main blood vessels of the systemic circulation




with mammary gland and erection physiology






  • Lymphatic system
  • Immune system



Marieb E., Hoehn K., Anatomie et physiologie humaine, 8° édition, Pearson, 2010, 1293 p

Marieb E., Anatomie et physiologie humaine, Travaux dirigés, Pearson, Paris, 2007, 362 p

Crossman A., Neavy D., Neuroanatomie, Elsevier, Campus illustré, Paris, 2004, 174 p

Kahle W., Frotscher M., Atlas de proche d'Anatomie, Tome 3, Système nerveux et organes des sens, 4° édition, Flammarion, Paris, 2007, 425 p

Netter F.H., Atlas d'anatomie humaine, 2ème édition, Novartis, 1997

Sobotta, Atlas d'anatomie humaine, Urban et Schwartzenberg, 1994

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

General physiology and physiology of the movements

ECTS Credits4
Number of Hours (h/year)45
Teaching staffCerasoli, Alfred
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Year 1 course

Aims and Objectives

To have a thorough knowledge not only of cardiorespiratory and circulatory adaptations which occur as well in the healthy subject as, for example, in an amputated patient when they achieve a task but also of regulating mechanisms of these great functions.

To be capable making out a plan of readjustment to the effort among cardiac patients.



  • Anatomy of the respiratory apparatus
  • Physiology of breathing
  • Regulation of breathing
  • Adaptation to the exercise


  • Anatomy of the heart
  • Physiology of the heart
  • Cardiovascular system:
  • Cardio-circulatory adaptations to the exercise


  • Principles of training
  • Methods of training and biological effects
  • Counter-indications with the physical training

Thermal regulation

  • Thermal balances
  • Methods of determination
  • Intensity of the metabolism
  • Effects of the exercise
  • Temperature control
  • Tolerance
  • Hydrous balance
  • Practical applications

Constanzo L.S., Physiologie, Pradel, 1999.

Fix J.D., Neuroanatomie, 2ème édition, De Boeck, 2000.

Godeau E., cheron G., Le mouvement, MEDSI Mac Graw Hill, 1989.

Guyton, Anatomie- physiologie du S.N.C., Vigot, 1989.

Marieb E.N., Anatomie et physiologie humaine, 4ème éd., De Boeck, 2000.

Vander A.J. et coll., Physiologie humaine, 3ème édition, Chenelière Mac Graw Hill, 1995.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Team work notions

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)20
Teaching staffDELSAUT, Simon; LABALUE, Véronique; VERRECHIA, Emy
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Sequence of the curriculum in 1st year. Fieldwork experience

Aims and Objectives

To work within an organization and establish effective working relationships with team members

To work collaboratively in interprofessional or transprofessional teams

To know the characteristics of therapeutic relationships and communication processes


Different teams talk about the teamwork accomplished in their institution and the students test it in group

In fieldwork : oncology, palliative care, nursing care at home, logopedy, cardio-respiratory, professional integration of adult psychiatry ...

Teaching and Learning MethodsGroup seminars or workshops

Groups work and clinical cases analysis

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
NotesIn part

General and special pathology including pharmacology

ECTS Credits5
Number of Hours (h/year)60
Teaching staffPONCELET, Muriel
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Basic knowledge in anatomy and physiology, course of first year

Aims and Objectives

To know, understand the principal pathologies met along the profession


Osteo-articular pathology: The rachis; Lumbagos; Osteoporosis; Slipped disc

Neurology :

  • Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA)
  • Parkinson
  • Cerebral syndrom

IZARD, NESPOULOUS, Expérience en ergothérapie, Masson, 1989.

TubiaNa R., THOMINE M., La main, anatomie fonctionnelle et examen clinique, Masson, Paris, 1990.

ALLIEUX Y. et SIMON L., Paralysies nerveuses périphériques du membre supérieur, Masson

MOUTET F. et coll., Rééducation et appareillage de la main traumatique, Masson, 1988.

PELISSIER J., Maladie de Parkinson et rééducation, Masson, 1980.

SIMON L., Hanche opérée et médecine de rééducation, Masson, 1980.

SIMON L., HERISSON C., BIOT B., Le rachis vieillissant, Masson, 1992.

FRANCK G., DOYEN P., MOONEN G., Artherosclérose – les accidents ischémiques cérébraux.

Encyclopédie médico-chirurgicale de psychiatrie

Ouvrages complémentaires qui peuvent parfois « ouvrir une porte » pour ceux qui s’y intéressent :

Ionescu, Jacquet, lhote. Mécanisme de défense du moi, théorie et clinique Nathan, 1997.

Schehehaye M.A. Journal d’une schizophrène, P.U.F., Bibliothèque de psychanalyse, Janvier 1997.

Pringent Y., L’expérience dépressive, Desclée de brouwer, 1994.

Freden L ., Aspect psycho-sociaux de la dépression, Mardaga, 1982.

Kernberg O., Troubles narcissiques de la personnalité, Domaine de la psychiatrie, Privat, 1979.

Brüche H., Enigme de l’anorexie, Perspectives cliniques, P.U.F., 1983.

Miller A., L’avenir du drame de l’enfant doué, Le fil rouge, P.U.F., 1996.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

Vidéo – BD – Lecture – Discussion.

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
NotesIn part

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