1st Bachelor in Occupational Therapy


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ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staffLetawe, GĂ©raldine
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

Teach the fundamentals of a statistical “culture” that should be an

integrant part for the occupational therapist’s stock of general

knowledge. Make students familiar with statistics for a clear

understanding of some basic notions that should help them,

within the context of the end study work, to properly choose a

method in order to process the collected data.


Formulation of a statistical problem and data collection

Descriptive statistics :

· Graphic charts

· Characteristic parameters of a frequency distribution

Inferential statistics

· Primer on random variables

· Reference laws (Gauss-Laplace, Poisson, ...)

Decision theory - Comparison tests of two means (Student)


1. Valleron, A.-J. Abrégés. Statistique et probabilité. Edt Masson, Paris 2001

2. D'Hainaut, L. Concepts et méthodes de la statistique. Edt. Labor, Bruxelles et Nathan, Paris 1975

3. Mercier, M. Biostatistique et Probabilités. Edt. Ellipses, 1996

4. Wonnacott T.H., Wonnacott R.J. Statistique. Edt. Economica, Paris, 1998

5. Bénazeth S., Boniface M., Demarquilly C., Lasserre V., Lemdani M. et Nicolis I. Biomathématiques, Edt Masson, Paris 2004


Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
NotesIn part

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