1st Bachelor in Occupational Therapy

Methodology and didactics of the occupational therapy : general aspects

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ECTS Credits7
Number of Hours (h/year)90
Teaching staffDE WERGIFOSSE, Michèle; DENOEL, Nicole
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

Methodology part :

- to define the occupational therapy

- to identify the scientific bases of the occupational therapy

- to clarify the comlexity of the human activity, its bonds with health, the disease and the handicap as well as the interactions with the environnement

- to use an approach of intervention and a clinical reasoning in occupational therapy

- to pose a diagnosis in occupational therapy

- to locate various prospects used to approach the situations of handicap and the practice professional

- to identify the therapeutic models used in occupational therapy


Methodology part :

1. History and philosophy of the occupational therapy, definition ans field of exercise of the profession

2.  Scientific base of the occupational therapy : science of the human activity

3.  Bases and paradigms : professional values of the occupational therapist

4.  Principles and rules of the ooccupational therapy

5.  Evolution and definition of the concept of handicap

6.  Approaches various conceptual models : CIDIH, CIF, PPH, MOHO, MCRO

7.  Concepts of reeducation, readaptation, reintegration ans psychosocial rehabilitation

8.  Process of intervention in occupational therapy : evolution, definition of the goals of the person, principles of intervention, planning, put in word ans control of the effectiveness, evaluation of the results, tracability. 


Educational methodologies applied to the occupation.


Dubochet M., L’ergothérapie avec les enfants, EESP, 1996.

Fougeyrollas P. et al, Processus de production du handicap : Révision de la proposition québécoise de classification, CQCIDIH / SCCIDIH : Lac St Charles, Québec, 1996.

INSERM, Réduire les situations de handicap, Rapport de synthèse, 1992.

Kielhofner G., A model of Human Occupational Theory and application, 2èmeédition, William & Wilkins, Philadelphia, 1995.

Kielhofner G., Conceptual Fondations of Occupational Therapy, 2ème édition, F.A. Davis Company, Philadelphia, 1997.

MEYER S., Le processus de l’ergothérapie, Ed. EESP, Lausanne, 1990.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

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