3rd Bachelor in Nursing care

Deontology and ethics

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ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staffPARAMEDICAL - Liège:
PETERS, Christine
DISLAIRE, Jean-Louis
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Course of deontology and ethics of 1st year IG. Hospital training courses

Aims and Objectives

To apply in one’s daily practice the legal requirements governing the exercise of the profession.

To adopt the adapted attitude as regards the ethical problems.

To place oneself in the Belgian and European nursing context


Recalls: Ethics and deontology, professionnal code of deontology.

Responsabilities and assurance of professional responsibility, list of professionnal acts.

Professionnal secret: cases analysis.

The abortion Act.

Donation of organs.

Problems as regards the dying patient – euthanasia and palliative care.

Belgian and European professional organizations and representativeness of the nursing profession.

Thinktank about the creation of a professionnal order for nurses.


La marne P, Ethiques de la fin de vie : acharnement thérapeutique, euthanasie, soins palliatifs, Ellipses, 1999.

Mémento…, Mémento de l’art infirmier, Kluwer, 2010.

Moniteur belge, Ministère de la justice.

Moulin M, Contrôler la science, Ed. De Boeck, 1990.

Tissot B, Vekemans M, L’interruption volontaire de grossesse en Belgique et dans les pays voisins, exécutif de la Communauté Française, 1990.

Revue « Ethica clinica «, Fédération des Institutions Hospitalières de Wallonie, Chaussée de Marche, 604-B5101 Erpent.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Group seminars or workshops

discussion on cases

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

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