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1st Bachelor in Management Computing

 ECTS CreditsNumber of Hours (h/year)

Structures of the computer and technique of the microprocessors

ECTS Credits8
Number of Hours (h/year)90
Teaching staffGERARD, Frédéric; STARZAK, Luc
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

Understand and use data organisation

Understand the architecture of µP

Use the main feature of microprocessor

Understand how an operating system works

Discovery of the architecture of a multitasks operating system

Discover the principles of operation of computer equipment

To be capable to choose computer equipment according to the characteristics and needs for an installation.


Representation of information

Characteristics of some of the PC processors

General feature of an operating system


Internal structures

Windows NT architecture External architecture: peripherals

Internal Architecture

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsOral examinations
Continuous assessment
NotesIn part

How to analyse and run projects

ECTS Credits3
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffTHIERNESSE, Cédric
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

Translating text format projects (specifications) into computer analysis

Analysing of an EDP application, the main stages of an EDP applications analysis

Preliminary review

Systems analysis (ou Functional analysis)

Systems design


Operation and management

Definition of a Computer System (SI)

Definition of an Automated Information System

Data Conceptual Level

Definitions based on examples of

Concept of entity

Concept of association

Concept of properties

Concept of cardinality

Comprehensive example of a Data Conceptual Design (MCD)

Rules of controlling and normalising a MCD

MCD Data Logical Modelling

How to run a project (PROJECT Objective, means, dealine)


Internet (exemple http://perso.wanadoo.fr)

Ingénierie des systèmes d'information MERISE (Deuxième génération) Troisième édition.

Dominique Nanci, Bernard Espinasse.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

Interactive exercises between the students and the lecturer

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
Projects or practical work

End year exam


Data organisation and operation

ECTS Credits4
Number of Hours (h/year)60
Teaching staffCOSTA, Corinne; SERRHINI, Souad
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

Implementing data organisation either in ordinary files by means of a programming language (for example C) or in database contexts by means of DBMS. Such types of software will make students familiar with SQL requests.


1st part

Study of the main file organisations: index files, direct access files, index sequence file, tree-shape files.

Analysis of some files MySQL applications. Here, we use practical exercises in order to show how to implement the different file organisations and access methods by means of a third generation language.

How to organise a file

Organising a file implies taking a certain amount of parameters into account. In this chapter we examine the main parameters and show how each of them can influence the organisation: operation, activity, size, record structure…

2nd part: DBMS

Study of the characteristics of a DBMS application. Here we focus on the way to create tables and requests. Both lead to the study of SQL language. In the first year, this study is limited: students will learn how to write selection requests on/in one or several tables as well as action requests designed to maintain a table (adding, modifying and deleting data).

Define a DBMS.

The primary and foreign keys.

The integrities.

The relational algébre.


Basic search(research): Selection, Projection Operators ensemblistes (Union, Intersection, difference).

Search(Research) with joints Operators in SQL.

Expressions in SQL (numerics, characters and dates).

Sortings Grouping of lines Imbricated requests Requests actions(shares) (Insertion, update, abolition(deletion)


SQL2-SQL3 3ème édition Pierre Delmal Edition : De Boeck Université

MySQL et PHP O'REILLY Philippe Rugaux.

Bases de données Concepts, utilisation et développement DUNOD Jean-Luc Hainaut

Internet : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syst%C3%A8me_de_gestion_de_base_de_donn%C3%A9es



Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Laboratory work

Lecture with laboratory work

Assessment MethodsWritten and/or oral examination
Projects or practical work
Continuous assessment

end-of-term examination

Evaluation continues + realization of a complete project in laboratory.


Operating system

ECTS Credits3
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffSAGOT, Pierre
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1


Aims and Objectives

Understand how the microprocessors work.

Understand, thanks to the assembly language, how the high-level (particularly C programming) languages work.


Microprocessor and memory description.

Assembly language basic set of instruction.

Stack, procedures, interruptions, input-output instructions.

C-Assembler integration


Programme en Assembleur - François RETAUREAU – Ed. Sybex.

Programmer en Assembleur sur PC - Holger SCHAKEL – Ed. Micro Application.

8088 et ses périphériques - Henri LILEN – Ed. Radio.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

Lectures including many examples.

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
Continuous assessment

Written final examination and continuous assessment

NotesIn part

General and/or Applied Economics

ECTS Credits5
Number of Hours (h/year)60
Teaching staffALMER, Charles; ANCIAUX, Daniel
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

It is essential to have common sense and to master some basic mathematical tools.

Aims and Objectives

To understand what costs consist of and how to calculate them.

To show and set up the link with the accounting course.

To study cost managing problems in a competitive environment.

To understand the consequences of the modification of an element on the whole costs.

To enable students to converse efficiently with the enterprise managers.

To put the theory into practise in laboratories.


The calculation and composition of complete costs, the cost-volume-profit model: direct and indirect charges, distribution of indirect charges, calculation of purchase costs, production costs and cost price, stock control and valorisation, the performance appraisal, the diagram of accounts to be able to get the link with general accounting, the notions of fixed and variable charges, break-even point, the direct costing, cost-volume profit analysis, average cost, marginal cost and economic optimum.


Economie générale et/ou appliquée, Philippe COLLEE édité par l’A.S.B.L. DEFI

Comptabilité analytique et contrôle de gestion Tome 1 Calcul des coûts et coûts de revient, analyse des coûts et des marges, Christian et Christiane RAULET édité chez DUNOD

Costing an introduction, Colin DRURY, éd.CHAPMAN&HALL, 2d ed.

Recueils d'exercices Almer Charles

Teaching and Learning MethodsTutorials
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
Continuous assessment

assessment of the projects achieved in laboratories and end of the year written examination with open questions


General Accounting

ECTS Credits4
Number of Hours (h/year)45
Teaching staffALMER, Charles; ANCIAUX, Daniel
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1

It is essential to have common sense and to master some basic mathematical tools.

Aims and Objectives

To understand how to do to be able to keep accounts and to draw up balance sheets and trading results. To use different account classes. To enable students to converse efficiently with enterprise managers.

To put the theory into practise in laboratories.


Basic principles and definitions: introduction, annual accounts, and introductory examples.

Accounts, accounts classification, general organization of bookkeeping.

Study class 1: Capital stock, provisions for risks, charges and debts up to more than one year.

Study class 2: start-up costs, fixed assets and debts up to more than one year.

Study class 3: stocks.

Study class 4: claims and debts up to one year at the most.

Study class 5: funds.

Study classes 6 et 7: charges and products.

Being able to solve a summary exercise from temporary balance sheets: the operations of the end of the exercise, calculation of the result, setting up of the final balance, final balance sheets and trading results.


Comptabilité générale Philippe COLLEE édité par l’A.S.B.L. DEFI

 Traité de comptabilisation Joseph ANTOINE , R-M DEHAN et C.DENDAUW 2è éd. par DE BOECK (2007)

Comptabilité J-P.Gillet Victor Ginsburgh Pierre Michel Faska Khrouz édité par OILB 1050 Bruxelles

Comptabilité: 50 cas et exercices résolus P.Goblet G.Hélin Y.Mertens OILB 1050 BXL

TQG Exercices Karli Almer éd ESEJ

Teaching and Learning MethodsTutorials
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
Continuous assessment

assessment of the projects achieved in laboratories and end of the year written examination with open questions


Correspondence, report and communication in French

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staffRuggieri, Gianni
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 2


Aims and Objectives

Improve student communication skills.

Advise students, in such a way as to enable them to:

use a proper and structural language,


write professional text (letters, reports) appropriate to a given situation.


review of grammatical and orthographical topics,


correspondence and report theory.


Joseph HANSE et Daniel Blampain, Nouveau dictionnaire des difficultés du français moderne, Bruxelles, De Boeck & Larcier s.a. 2000.

Collection « Profil pratique » dirigée par Georges Decote et parue chez Hatier (Paris).

Catherine et Odile Pierron, Savoir écrire pour être efficace, Paris, Retz, 1997.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

brief theoretical units,exercises, done severally or in pairs.

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Written exam at the end of the year.


Applied Mathematics and Statistics

ECTS Credits6
Number of Hours (h/year)75
Teaching staffBAECKEN, Marianne
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Fundamental notions of mathematics (quadratic equations, fractions, equation systems, …)

Aims and Objectives

To approached a number of mathematical problems which the students might have to face in this future life


Elements of linear algebra

Elements of calculation

Descriptive statistics


C. Brezinski, Introduction à la pratique du calcul numérique, Ed. Dunod Université Paris (1988)

Exercices de mathématique – pour le premier cycle (volume 1 algèbre et géométrie) Pascal Dupont Ed. De Boeck Université

Statistique et calcul des probabilités Walder Masièri Ed. Dalloz

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Written examinations (part 1: January – All in june)


Software study and programming

ECTS Credits7
Number of Hours (h/year)75
Teaching staffMADANI, Mounawar; SAGOT, Pierre; THIERNESSE, Cédric
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 2


Aims and Objectives

This course is a first step to the process of programming applications requiring analysis, user friendliness, tasks automation and user interface. It uses PHP language and HTML whith for support Database server MySQL and web server Apache.


Study of PHP and HTML language by laboratory work.

Study of the language and its syntax, learning of methods allowing data manipulation with programs.

Study of the integration of a programming language and a presentation language allowing the execution of user friendly applications.



Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Laboratory work
Assessment MethodsProjects or practical work
Continuous assessment
NotesIn part

Logic and programming language

ECTS Credits16
Number of Hours (h/year)195
Teaching staffANCIAUX, Daniel; LEONARD, Anne; NOLLET, Thierry
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

Acquisition of the structured programming concepts, control structures, data structures, programs architecture. Learn de standard C language and apply it to illustrate these basic logic programming concepts.


Introduction to programming: base vocabulary, writing rules, comments. General structure of a program (ordinogram & programmatic tree, pseudo-code), structured analysis and modularity, control structures: (sequence, alternative, loop).

Primary notion: identifiers, constant (associated type), predefined data types, variables, types compatibility (integer – char), expressions Programming architecture: functions (input -process -output), function with arguments, returned value, argument (value – address). Other data types: array and pointers, characters strings and related functions, data structures, data structures and pointers.

Disk files, text and binary modes, buffered files. Pointers and pointed variables, dynamic memory allocation. Function pointer, conversion functions, classification functions. Program’s qualities: modularity, validity, tests, trouble-shooting, assertion, readability, comments, documentation. More about algorithmic: Introduction; lists, heaps, queues; recursiveness ; binary trees; search algorithms (and comparison of their complexity order); sorting algorithms (and comparison of their complexity order)


Méthodes de programmation B.Meyer & C. Baudoin Editions Eyrolles

Turbo/Borland C++ Gérard Leblanc Editions Eyrolles

Guide P.S.I. du programmeur en C Editions P.S.I.

Visual C++6 Editions Eyrolles

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Laboratory work
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
Oral examinations
Continuous assessment

Foreign languages-English

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffSMETS, Dominique
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

To be able to understand the specific vocabulary and structure of computing.


1st part:

the structure of the sentence, the nominal groups included

the determinants (a, the, some, any…)

the different tenses (simple present, past, present perfect, future and conditional)

comparatives and superlatives

pronouns and adjectives

the passive voice

2nd part:

the study (reading and oral understanding) of texts with specific vocabulary related to the computing)


A Quick & easy guide to English for Inpres Students (DEFI) “English grammar in use” published by Longman

“Infotech” English for computer users” published by Cambridge University Press

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

Exercises in the class in relation with the theoretical lessons

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
Continuous assessment

The students will have to take two exams: one in January and the other one at the end of the year


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