1st Bachelor in Computer Graphics Design

Programming Techniques

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ECTS Credits6
Number of Hours (h/year)60
Teaching staffDUPONT, Myriam
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Notions of the theoretical course ("Logique" et "Technique de programmation - Théorie")

Aims and Objectives

Learn how to use tools and techniques of programming which are necessary to realize dynamic web sites. (client side)


xhtml version 1.0 Strict:

- language syntax

- Web page structure (logical DOM nodes)

- « inline » and « block » tags

- Anchors, images, form tags

- W3C norm and conformity

- Modularisation and semantic of tags

css level 2

- link with xhtml pages

- general syntax

- selectors, properties and values

- Box model, positioning

- Text properties, colours, background…

JavaScript 1.5

- Link with xhtml pages

- syntax

- event handling

- values and variables, expressions, operators and their

- priorities

- functions

- elements, arrays, objects and methods

- Instructions: alternatives, loops…

Using DOM and API


Meyer E., CSS - La référence, ISBN 2-84177-357-4; Goether R., CSS 2 - Pratique du design web, ISBN 978-2-212-12506-1

Flanagan D., JavaScript - La référence, ISBN 2-84177-246-2

O'Reilly Pocket Reference Collection (ISBN 2-84177-246-2, ISBN 2-84177-307-8)

http://openweb.eu.org/; http://www.w3c.org (W3Cofficial site); http://fr.selfhtml.org/ - http://w3schools.com (tutorial) ; http://www.csszengarden.com/ 

Teaching and Learning MethodsTutorials
Laboratory work

Tutorials + laboratories with small groups(practical works in relation with theoretical knowledge) with interactive feedback (individual and/or collective)

Assessment MethodsOral examinations
Projects or practical work
Continuous assessment

+ sommative evaluation on projects and exercises for formative evaluation (double feedback)


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