3rd Psychology Assistant - Bachelor - Orientation Industrial Psychology and Professional Guidance

Group dynamics techniques

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ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staffFrançois, Jean-Christophe
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 2

To have attended the course Group’s dynamic

Aims and Objectives

To master some group’s animation techniques and be able to discover some others. Ability to intervene as a facilitator and a global view of all operating procedures of an animation. Being able to avoid the pitfalls and prevent the attempts of manipulation.

Questioning the work ethic of a facilitator.


Presentation techniques, facilitation, animation, etc.

Modus operandi of a group in terms of animation and interaction of its members.Practical organization of a meeting and practical applications.Previews process in light of uses.



Documents from consultancy company in group facilitation and adult education


Teaching and Learning MethodsTutorials

The course is taught orally at 2 hours / week.These are active methods where each student will participate in animations and will conclude with the teacher behavior and attitudes to adopt.

Assessment MethodsContinuous assessment

The evaluation is largely continuous. The attendance is essential as well as punctuality. The last session will be used to reformulate the concepts and structure while formalizing the evaluation.


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