1st Psychology Assistant - Bachelor

Cultural anthropology

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ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffBAJOMEE, Alain
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 2


Aims and Objectives

- The student will be taught to get rid of his/her ethnocentered prejudices and to take cultural relativity.

- The student will be able to understand and use key-concepts of social anthropology necessary to live in a multi-ethnic society.


Choice among the following themes :

1. Sociology and anthropology

2. Philosophy and anthropology

3. Main trends in anthropology

4. Overview of a few fields of social anthropology

5. Human rights and anthropology

Reading and commentary of a short document.


J. CAMPBELL, puissance du mythe, J'ai lu, 1991.

J. COPANS, Introduction à l'ethnologie et à l'anthropologie, Nathan Université, Paris, 1996.

P.P. GOSSIAUX, Anthropologie culturelle, notes de cours, 1994/1995

M. D'HERTEFELT, Anthropologie culturelle, Ulg, 1984.

E.T. HALL, La dimension cachée, coll.Points, 1971.

F. LAPLANTINE, La description ethnographique, Nathan Université, Paris 1996.

F. LAPLANTINE, L'anthropologie, Seghers, Payot, 1985.

B. MALINOWSKI,Les Argonautes du Pacifique occidental, Paris, Gallimard,1963.

M. MEAD,Une éducation en Nouvelle-Guinée, Paris, Payot,1973.

M. MORGAN, Message des hommes vrais, J'ai lu, 1994.

G. TILLION, Le harem et les cousins, coll. Points, 1966.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten and/or oral examination

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