1st Psychology Assistant - Bachelor

Observation technique

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ECTS Credits3
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffCOLLARD, Marie-Anne
HUMBLET, Frédéric
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Good command of French

Aims and Objectives

On completion of year 1 the student will be

- able to define and illustrate the various observation techniques related to psychology as well as the main stages in scientific observation.

- aware of the difficulties related to observation (danger of self-projection, involvement by lack of distance and reciprocal influence)

sensitive to scientific and objective observation as well as non-verbal communication.

Able to choose and use the relevant observation grid.


- difficulties linked to psychological observation : phenomena linked to the observer and the environment.

- observation techniques in psychology : self-observation, participant observation, direct and discreet observation and equipped observation

- various stages of observation


BERNAUD J.-L., Les méthodes d’évaluation de la personnalité, Dunod, collection « Les topos », Paris, 1998.

BERTHIAUME D., L'observation de l'enfant en milieu éducatif. 2ditions Morin, Montréal, 2004.

DE KETELE J.M., Méthodologie du recueil d’informations, De Boeck, 1996.

MUCCHIELLI, R., L’observation psychologique et psychosociologique, éd. ESF, 1980

WEIL-BARAIS A, . Les méthodes en psychologie, Bréal Collection Grand Amphi, Rosny, 1997


Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

Practical situational observation (structured exercises, role-playing, exploitation of audio-visual material), gathering and analysis of findings, analysis of the difficulties encountered by the students.

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
Projects or practical work

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