3rd Social youth worker, Specialization in Educational Psychology - Bachelor

Specific questions of psychology and pedagogy

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ECTS Credits3
Number of Hours (h/year)60
Teaching staffBIESSEN, Peggy
PIERARD, Françoise
TATON, Nancy
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Successful results in the first two years of training.

Aims and Objectives

To develop the ability to observe, to analyse and to examine different educational situations with a critical eye

To elaborate intervention strategies adapted to educative issues

To adapt his/her pedagogical methods to different works environments, to different kind of people, and to various job requirements



Valorisation of social roles of people with mental, physical, psychological or affective…disabilities : its origin, its principles.

Thoughts/debate about some principles as segregation/integration, normalization, normality.

Individual intervention.

The establishment of a prevention project,  from the design of the tool to the application on the ground.


DELANDSHEERE, V., La démarche interculturelle (syllabus), ULG, 1996

GOFFMAN, E., Stigmate, Les usages sociaux des handicaps, coll. Le sens commun, Ed. De Minuit, 1975

MONTREUIL, N., MAGEROTTE, G., Pratique de l'intervention individualisée, De Boeck Université, 1996

WOLFENSBERGER, W., La valorisation des rôles sociaux, Introduction à un concept de référence pour l'organisation des services, Ed. des Deux Continents, Genève, juin, 1997

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Project or fieldwork

lectures - practical work or run - projects, research and fieldwork

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
Projects or practical work
Continuous assessment

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