1st Bachelor in Medical Imaging

Pharmacology and radiopharmacology

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ECTS Credits3
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffCARLIER, Pierre
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Theoretical courses of chemistry and biology.

Aims and Objectives

You have to know the general notions of pharmacology.

Study of common drugs.





General pharmacology

Generalities about drugs: definition, packaging; the prior steps to their marketing; their launching on the market; drug administration.

Biopharmaceutical stage: the different categories of drugs,  active principles of drugs/ excipient, the release of drugs, the dissolution.

Drug kinetic stage : absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion.

Drug dynamic stage: targets of effect, receptors, transmitter substances, (dose-effect relationship), therapeutic index.

Drugs' effects.

Specific pharmacology.

the major drug categories.





AIACHE J.M., Traité de biopharmacie et pharmacocinétique, Ed.Vigot, ISBN 2 -7114-0972-2.

RANG, Pharmacology, Ed.Churchill Livingstone,ISBN 0-443-07145-4

WIDMAIER E.P., RAFF H., STRANG K.T., Physiologie humaine,. Les mécanismes du fonctionnement de l’organisme, Ed. Maloine, 4ème édition.

Répertoire commenté des médicaments, Centre belge d’information pharmacothérapeutique.

Compendium des spécialités pharmaceutiques, Association générale de l’industrie du médicament.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

Lectures with power-points

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
Written and/or oral examination
Projects or practical work
Continuous assessment

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