1st Bachelor in Midwifery


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ECTS Credits3
Number of Hours (h/year)45
Teaching staffDUMOULIN, Françoise
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

To know and understand the patient’s and the nurse’s behaviour and the interactions, to established the most adequate relations between them, helping and increasing the standing for both of them. To analyse the difficulties of reciprocal comprehension (patient/nurse) to establish the best possible communication.

To understand the child, his reality, the universe of his significances To distinguish the pathological processes of the child’s development.

To understand the adults’ behaviour while referring to their past


The man confronted with the disease: sociocultural influences, interpersonal relations, feelings of the patient, his reactions.

Genetic psychology: various stages of the development of the child (foetal, oral examination, anal, phallic), the psychoaffective, social, cognitive point of view; the shock of the birth, the childbirth and the mother’s actual experience; periods of childhood, adolescence.


ANCELIN SCHUTZENBERGER A., Vouloir guérir: l’aide au malade atteint d’un cancer, Ed. La Méridienne Desclée de Brouwer.

BADINTER E., L’amour en plus, Ed. Flammmarion.

BETTELHEIM B., L’amour ne suffit pas, Ed. Laffont.

DE VILAINE A.M., Un regard plus tranquille, Ed. Laffont

DOLTO F., Lorsque l’enfant paraît. Tout est langage, Le Seuil

HAYDEN T.L., Les enfants des autres. L’enfant qui ne pleurait pas.

KUBLER-ROSS, La mort, dernière étape de la croissance, Ed. Québec.

MUCCHIELLI R., La personnalité de l’enfant, Ed. ESP.

NEILL, Libres enfants de Summerhill, Maspero, 1974.

OLIVIER C., Les enfants de Jocaste, Ed. Denoël et Gonthier.

OSTERRIETH C., Introduction à la psychologie de l’enfant, Ed. Thone.

ROBERTSON, Jeunes enfants à l’hôpital, Ed. Le Centurion.

SCHWARTZENBERG, La société humaine, Ed. Belfond.

ZARIFIAN E., La force de guérir, Ed. Odile Jacob.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

discussions on real life cases

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Test on the reading of a book to choose on a given


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