1st Bachelor in Midwifery

Emergency and first aid care

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ECTS Credits1
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staffGOFFARD, Carine
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Notions of anatomy and physiology

Aims and Objectives

To observe and analyse the symptoms, the physical and psychic reactions of the patient. To carry out the emergency care. To carry out the R.C.P. manoeuvres effectively.


Organization of the public helps in Belgium: the cardiorespiratory reanimation

Differentiation of the critical states of the organism : syncope. Behaviour to take in case of cutaneous, osteo-articular, intoxication problems or problems with the circulatory apparatus.



CONSEIL EUROPEEN DE REANIMATION: Manuel de cours pour la "réanimation de base et la défibrillation externe automatique pour les secouristes, 2éme édiction, mai 2006

 HOSMANS, T., MICHEELS, J. , LAMY, M., Premiers Secours, (Liége, édition Céfal), 2007 

Ministères des Affaires Sociales, de la Santé Publiques et de l'environnement, Administration des Soins de Santé, Secours Sanitaires à la Population Civile: Manuel pour le secouriste-Ambulancier



Teaching and Learning Methods

Theory account, demonstrations and practical exercises on mannequin

Assessment MethodsOral examinations

Oral examination and practical activity with mannequin


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