3rd Bachelor in Physiotherapy


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ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffRENARD, Xavier
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

To give the first elements of a statistical "culture" which must form integral part of the general knowledge of the speech therapist

To give the students an information on statistics so that they have a clear understanding of some basic concepts meant to allow them, within the framework of the memory work, to chose correctly the method to be used in order to process the data collected



Statistical problem and data-gathering.

Descriptive statistics:

  • Charts,
  • Characteristic elements of a frequency distribution

Major laws (Gauss-Laplace, Poisson...)

Inferential statistics and decision theory - Hypothesis testing (significance level, Student's test, independance's test, ...)

Non parametric statistic


Valleron, A.-J. Abrégés. Statistique et probabilité. Edt Masson, Paris 2001

D'Hainaut, L. Concepts et méthodes de la statistique. Edt. Labor, Bruxelles et Nathan, Paris 1975

Mercier, M. Biostatistique et Probabilités. Edt. Ellipses, 1996

Wonnacott T.H., Wonnacott R.J. Statistique. Edt. Economica, Paris, 1998

Bénazeth S., Boniface M., Demarquilly C., Lasserre V., Lemdani M. et Nicolis I. Biomathématiques, Edt Masson, Paris 2004

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

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